Enzo Martinelli

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Enzo Martinelli (born November 11, 1911 in Pescia , † August 27, 1999 in Rome ) was an Italian mathematician who dealt with complex analysis and especially function theory of several complex variables.

Martinelli was the son of a director general of the Italian Ministry of Education and grew up in Rome. He studied mathematics in 1933 at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) with the Laurea degree in 1933 with Francesco Severi . Afterwards he was assistant at Severi's chair for analysis and then at Enrico Bompiani's chair for geometry . In 1939 he completed his habilitation (Libero Docente). In 1946 he won the competition for the chair for analytical, projective and descriptive geometry at the University of Genoa. In 1954 he returned to the chair of geometry at the University of Rome. In 1982 he retired. In 1968/69 he was director of the Institute for Mathematics Guido Castelnuovo during the difficult time of student unrest.

Martinelli dealt among other things with function theory on quaternion manifolds. In the function theory of several complex variables he dealt with residual theory and in 1938 discovered the Bochner-Martinelli formula (also named after Salomon Bochner (1943)), a Cauchy integral formula for several complex variables.

In 1961 he became a corresponding and in 1977 a full member of the Accademia dei Lincei and in 1980 a corresponding and in 1994 a full member of the Turin Academy of Sciences. From 1955 to 1992 he was on the editorial board of Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni and from 1965 to 1999 of Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. In 1943 he received the Ministry of Education's mathematics prize.

In 1946 he married the mathematician Luigia Panella, who taught mathematics in the engineering faculty of the Sapienza University in Rome.

Fonts (selection)

  • Alcuni teoremi integrali per le funzioni analitiche di più variabili complesse, Atti della Reale Accademia d'Italia. Memorie della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Volume 9, 1938 pp. 269-283
  • Sopra una dimostrazione di R. Fueter per un teorema di Hartogs, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, Volume 15, 1942/43, pp. 340-349
  • Sulla formula di Cauchy n-dimensional e sopra un teorema di Hartog nella teoria delle funzioni di n variabili complesse, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, Volume 17, 1944/45, pp. 201-208
  • Formula di Cauchy (n + 1) - dimensional per le funzioni analitiche di n variabili complesse, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, Volume 18, 1945/46, pp. 30-41
  • Sulle estensioni della formula integrale di Cauchy alle funzioni analitiche di più variabili complesse, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Series 4, Volume 34, 1953, pp. 277-347
  • Sulla determinazione di una funzione analitica di più variabili complesse in un campo, assegnatane la traccia sulla frontiera, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Series IV, Volume 55, 1961, pp. 191-202
  • Introduzione elementare alla teoria delle funzioni di variabili complesse con particolare riguardo alle rappresentazioni integrali, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 1984

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