Epigraphica Anatolica

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Epigraphica Anatolica

description Classical journal in the field of epigraphy from Asia Minor
language German, English, etc.
publishing company Dr. Rudolf Habelt Verlag (Germany)
First edition 1983
ZDB 346824-0

The journal Epigraphica Anatolica is an ancient scholarly journal in the field of epigraphy of Asia Minor .

The aim is to publish scientific articles on the collection and editing of epigraphic documents from Asia Minor. Gephyra is related . Journal for the history and culture of antiquity in the area of ​​today's Turkey , a journal that also publishes on the epigraphy of Asia Minor, but prefers more extensive articles.

It was founded in 1983 by Ekrem Akurgal , Reinhold Merkelbach , Sencer Şahin and Hermann Vetters . Current editors are Wolfgang Blümel , Jürgen Hammerstaedt , Wolfgang Dieter Lebek , Haslan Malay and Mustafa Hamdi Sayar .

Web links

  • Overview ( Memento from June 20, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) published by Dr. Rudolf Habelt (contains a list of all volumes and downloads of the articles)
  • Overview on the homepage of the Institute for Archeology at the University of Cologne (contains the index of all volumes, the current table of contents and downloads of the articles)