Epiphanios Scholastikos

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Epiphanios Scholastikos (Epiphanius) was a 6th century translator from the Eastern Roman Empire .


Soon after, Epiphanios (Latin Epiphanius ) wrote 550 Latin excerpts from the popular Greek church histories of Socrates Scholastikos , Sozomenos and Theodorets in Italy , which his friend Cassiodorus then combined in twelve books to form a Historia tripartita . In the Middle Ages, this was the usual manual for older church history . Epiphanios thus became one of the mediators of Greek literature in the Latin-speaking West. He also translated biblical commentaries and dogmatic letters for Cassiodorus.


Individual evidence

  1. cf. Günter Ludwig : Cassiodor. About the origin of the occidental school , Frankfurt a. M. 1967, pp. 45, 119f