Epitaph for Matthias Dechler and Anna Brog

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Epitaph in Hillesheim

The epitaph for Matthias Dechler and Anna Brog in the Catholic parish church of St. Martin (built in 1852/53) in Hillesheim , a town in the Vulkaneifel district in Rhineland-Palatinate , was created in 1609.

The epitaph of sandstone was taken from the 1852 aborted predecessor of the present church. It also served as an altarpiece and was donated to Matthias Dechler by the Electorate of Trier cellars in Hillesheim. The kneeling donor with his wife († 1607) and five children is shown in front of Mary , who is crowned by two angels.

Ernst Wackenroder wrote in 1928:

“An Annunciation in delicate arched architecture ; Above the antique cornice a semicircular recess with the family of the donor ... To the side of the base inscription little angel with the donor's coat of arms. "


Web links

Commons : St. Martin (Hillesheim)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 50 ° 17 ′ 26 ″  N , 6 ° 40 ′ 14 ″  E