Ernst Wackenroder

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Gravestone of the Wackenroder couple on the old church tower in the Karden cemetery

Ernst Wackenroder (born on January 3, 1876 in Uelzen ; died on November 12, 1959 in Karden ) was a German art historian and monument conservator .

Origin and education

As the son of the doctor Otto Wackenroder and Elisabeth Wackenroder, geb. Bergert, Ernst Wackenroder was born in Uelzen, but grew up mainly in Hanover , where his father had settled as a doctor. There he first attended the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gymnasium before he switched to the Auguste-Victoria-Gymnasium in Linden . Easter 1897 he received the school leaving certificate .

Wackenroder began his studies in Munich, where he studied art history for a semester at the university and at the same time took a course on drawing exercises at the technical university there . On October 7, 1897, Wackenroder enrolled at the Technical University in Hanover , where he attended the architecture department for four semesters until the summer of 1899, before moving to the Technical University in Berlin in the same field of study until Easter 1902 . After a two-year hiatus, he resumed studying art history and philosophy at Easter 1904, for one semester in Berlin and then three semesters at the United Friedrichs University in Halle-Wittenberg . There doctorate he on July 10, 1906. Dr. phil. His dissertation dealt with "The holy grave in the collegiate church of Gernrode ".

During his studies, Wackenroder attended lectures and lessons from a large number of professors and private lecturers, including Hubert Stier , August Thiersch , Reinhard Kekulé von Stradonitz , Johann Eduard Jacobsthal , Johannes Otzen , Franz Reber , Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl , Adolf Warschauer , Johannes Vollmer , Alois Riehl , Christoph Hehl and Adolph Goldschmidt . Goldschmidt also gave him the topic for his dissertation.

Inventory of art monuments

Memorial plaque for Ernst Wackenroder next to the gravestone in Karden

On July 15, 1910, Wackenroder joined the Commission for Monument Statistics of the Rhine Province in the service of the Provincial Association of the Rhine Province . After the art monuments of the administrative districts of Aachen, Düsseldorf and Cologne had been inventoried during the previous two decades, he compiled the inventories for large parts of the Eifel and the administrative district of Trier under the direction and editing of Paul Clemen .

From 1910 Wackenroder traveled to the districts of Bitburg , Prüm and Wittlich . The visit to the Daun district could not be completed until the start of the war in August 1914. Essentially, the monuments of the central Eifel districts were inventoried before the First World War ; work was interrupted due to the war and only resumed in 1919. It was not until the second half of the 1920s that the first inventories on the Eifel were published. With the publication of the first partial volumes, which Wackenroder was in charge of, work on other districts began. In 1927, the preparatory work for the inventory of the Trier district began (1931 tour by Wackenroder). In 1928 he then traveled to the Schleiden district again after Heinrich von Behr, the son of Anton von Behr , the former government and building councilor in the Trier government , had first visited it in 1910. The Wittlich district followed in 1932 and the Saarburg district in 1933 . His last inventory of art monuments, at the same time his most extensive, was only ended after the Second World War . In the course of 1939, Wackenroder began to travel to what was then the Cochem district .

Wackenroder could have retired when he reached the age limit on January 3, 1941, but remained in service until 1945 due to the war. After his retirement he continued his work in the Cochem district in 1947. In 1949 he moved to the district of Karden with his wife Gertrud, who accompanied and supported him in his work, to make the necessary trips. A short time after the publication of the original two-volume Cochem inventory, Wackenroder died.

The inventory of art monuments of the Rhine Province initiated by Clemen continues to form the basis of monument conservation research in large parts of the former Prussian Rhine Province due to the lengthy and cost-intensive creation of large inventories of this type. Ernst Wackenroder played a large part in this work with the creation of seven of the 56 partial volumes. The then state curator of Rhineland-Palatinate , Magnus Backes , wrote in 1984 on the occasion of the new edition of the inventory of art monuments to the district of Cochem in his foreword: “It seems appropriate, however, if the generation of monument preservationists that has grown up in the meantime, the new edition of his last and most extensive work on the occasion takes to express thanks, respect and admiration for a life's work that has so far been unsurpassed in abundance and care. "

Ernst Wackenroder is buried in the Karden cemetery by the old church tower. A plaque commemorates his work.


  • The holy grave in the collegiate church of Gernrode. (Dissertation, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 1907)
  • The art monuments of the Bitburg district. (Ed.) (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz , Volume 12, Department I), L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1927 (Unchanged reprint by the Interbook academic bookshop, Trier 1983, ISBN 3-88915-006-3 ).
  • The art monuments of the Prüm district. (Ed.) (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz, Volume 12, II. Dept.), L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1927 (Unchanged reprint by the Interbook academic bookstore, Trier 1983, ISBN 3-88915-007-1 ).
  • The art monuments of the Daun district. (Ed.) (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz, Volume 12, III. Dept.), L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1928 (Unchanged reprint by the Interbook academic bookstore, Trier 1983, ISBN 3-88915-005-5 ).
  • The art monuments of the Schleiden district. (Ed.) In connection with Johannes Krudewig and Hans Wink (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz, Volume 11, Dept. II), L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1932 (Unchanged reprint of Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann-Bagel, Düsseldorf 1982, ISBN 3- 590-32116-4 ).
  • The art monuments of the Wittlich district. (Ed.) (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz, Volume 12, IV. Dept.), L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1934 (Unchanged reprint by the academic bookstore Interbook, Trier 1982).
  • The art monuments of the district of Trier. (Ed.) In connection with Heinrich Neu (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz, Volume 15, II. Dept.), L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1936 (Unchanged reprint by the academic bookshop Interbook, Trier 1981).
  • The art monuments of the Saarburg district. (Ed.) In connection with Heinrich Neu and with contributions by Hans Eiden (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz, Volume 15, Department III), L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1939 (Unchanged reprint by the academic bookshop Interbook, Trier 1982) .
  • The art monuments of the district of Cochem. (Ed.) (= Die Kunstdenkmäler von Rheinland-Pfalz, Volume 3 in 2 parts), Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 1959 (Unchanged reprint 1984, ISBN 3-422-00561-7 ).


  • Rudolf Wesenberg (Ed.): Ernst Wackenroder. 1876-1959. In: Yearbook of the Rhenish Preservation of Monuments. Volume XXV Reports on the activities of monument preservation in the years 1959–1964. Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 1965, p. 19 Bibliography.
  • Karl Josef Zimmermann: Wackenroder, Ernst in: Alfons Friderichs (Ed.): Personalities of the Cochem-Zell District , Kliomedia, Trier 2004, ISBN 3-89890-084-3 , p. 371.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Rudolf Wesenberg (Ed.): Ernst Wackenroder. 1876-1959. In: Yearbook of the Rhenish Preservation of Monuments. Volume XXV Reports on the activities of monument preservation in the years 1959–1964. Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 1965, p. 19.
  2. Herbert Mundhenke : The matriculation of the higher industrial school, the polytechnic school and the technical university in Hanover , Volume 2 (1881-1911), Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hanover 1991, ISBN 3-7752-5854-X , p. 480 No. 11833.
  3. s. the forewords to the reprints of the inventory volumes.