Eraclito e Democrito

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Opera dates
Original title: Eraclito e Democrito
Shape: Commedia per musica
Original language: Italian
Music: Antonio Salieri
Libretto : Giovanni De Gamerra
Premiere: August 13, 1795
Place of premiere: Vienna, Burgtheater
Playing time: about 2 hours
Place and time of the action: At Pilemone's house
  • Pilemone, father of Pulcherias ( bass )
  • Pulcheria, mistress of Arcontes ( soprano )
  • Arconte, alleged Democrito ( tenor )
  • Eraclito (bass)
  • Learco, Servant Pilemones (bass)
  • Corina, servant Pilemones (soprano)

Eraclito e Democrito (Eng. Heraclitus and Democritus ) is a “Commedia per musica” in two acts by Antonio Salieri based on a text by Giovanni De Gamerra . The first performance took place on August 13, 1795 in the Vienna Burgtheater . In 1796 the opera was performed in Berlin. Another series of performances took place in Vienna in 1803.

The first modern re-performance took place in concert form on October 14, 2018 at the Walldorfer Musiktage under the direction of the Salieri specialist Timo Jouko Herrmann . The secco recitatives have been replaced by German interim texts written by the librettist and dramaturge André Meyer. During this performance, parts of the original version that had previously been ignored by researchers and contained in a copy of the score preserved in the University Library Neuchâtel were played, such as the slow introduction to the overture.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Program Walldorfer Musiktage 2018, City of Walldorf, September 2018, p. 13.