Erhard Wiesner

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Erhard Robert Wiesner (1929)

Erhard Robert Wiesner (born August 6, 1909 in Waltersdorf ; † March 10, 1994 in Augsburg ) was a German biologist who dedicated his life to fishing and water protection .


Wiesner was born as the son of Anna and Robert Wiesner (trout farmers) on August 6, 1909 in Waltersdorf in Northern Bohemia .

After graduating from high school in 1928, he studied at the German Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Agriculture in Tetschen-Liebwert, with special training in fishery biology, fish farming and pond management at Langhans. This was followed in 1933 with the doctorate “Investigations into the artificial breeding of brown trout eggs that descended from different parents and the pond management of the brood obtained from them up to the single summer settling fish”.

From 1935 to 1936 Wiesner attended the seminar for the training of teachers for lower and higher agricultural schools and in 1936 passed the state examination for teaching at lower and higher agricultural schools. In 1937 he brought out his textbook on trout farming and pond management. From his teaching and consulting activities - u. a. in Budweis and Imperial City - he was drafted into military service from 1943 to 1945 and returned to Bavaria in 1946 from American captivity in France. Here he first became a research assistant at the Bavarian State Fisheries Association .

Wiesner was appointed by the Swabian district in 1946 to the office of specialist consultant for fishing and as a fishing expert. Here, until his retirement in 1974, he last worked as chief fishery director. In his professional life and his honorary posts, Erhard Wiesner has campaigned for and promoted fisheries and water protection: From 1950 to 1966 he was managing director and from 1977 to 1981 president of the Swabian fishing association, from 1981 honorary president. From 1957 to 1981 he was a member of the Fisheries and Water Rights Commission . In 1962 he initiated the Committee for Fisheries and Water Protection in the Bavarian State Fisheries Association and was its chairman until 1981.

Wiesner succeeded in rehabilitating the fishing industry in Swabia, which had been badly damaged by the war and the post-war period, organizing the state fisheries association and bringing Swabian trout farming up to date. As an expert, he has worked on legislative procedures (e.g. Bavarian Water Act, Water Management Act, Nature Conservation Act, Bavarian Fisheries Act). Wiesner saw his main concern in the protection of waters, which earned him the designation as the "father of water protection" by the President of the State Fisheries Association.

Wiesner was married to Martha Wiesner, geb. Zahradnik, and had three sons: Wolfgang Wiesner (internist), Jobst Wiesner (lawyer), Hans-Jürgen Crump-Wiesner (chemist). The burial took place on March 14th in the Protestant cemetery in Augsburg.


  • Investigations into the artificial breeding of brown trout eggs, which are descended from different parents, and the further breeding of the brood obtained from them up to the single summer fish. In: Journal of Fisheries and Auxiliary Sciences. Volume XXXII - 1934, issue 1.
  • Textbook of trout farming and trout pond management. J. Neumann Publishing House, Neudamm / Berlin 1937.
  • The management of trout farming. Paul Parey Publishing House, Hamburg / Berlin 1968.
  • Guide to fisheries and water protection. Lambert Müller publishing house, Munich 1971.
  • Editing of the book Trout Breeding. by DB Greenberg after translation from English. Paul Parey Publishing House, Hamburg / Berlin 1962.
  • Co-designer of the Festschrift for the 75th and 100th anniversary of the Swabian Fisheries Association


Wiesner received the honors listed below:

  • Honorary member of the German Fisheries Association and the Bavarian State Fisheries Association
  • Honorary President of the Swabian Fisheries Association
  • Honorary member of the Swabian pond cooperative, certificate of honor from the Bavarian Professional Fisheries Association
  • Founding member and honorary member of the Association of German Fisheries Administration Officials and Fisheries Scientists
  • 1973 Petri Ring awarded by the Petri Foundation
  • 1974 Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class
  • 1979 Golden Association Medal of Honor
  • 1982 gold medal from the Petri Foundation
  • Environmental medal from the Bavarian State Ministry for State Development and Environment
  • Bavarian state medal for services to the fishing industry
  • 1984 district medal by the Swabian district
  • Ring of Honor of the Bavarian State Fisheries Association
  • 1985 State Medal in Silver awarded by State Minister for Agriculture and Forests Hans Eisenmann

Web links

Commons : Erhard Wiesner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Augsburger Allgemeine: A heart for fish and nature; Erhard Robert Wiesner died at the age of 84 - a man from the very beginning . Article of March 14, 1994, p. 13.
  2. a b Augsburger Allgemeine: Obituary Dr. Erhard Wiesner . Article of March 12, 1994, p. 40.