Erich Dauzenroth

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Erich Dauzenroth (left) with Józef Bogusz (1982)

Erich Dauzenroth (born May 5, 1931 in Fulda ; † July 23, 2004 ) was a German educationalist .

Live and act

Dauzenroth came into contact with the work of Janusz Korczak in 1957 during the German premiere of the play "Korczak und die Kinder" by Erwin Sylvanus and from then on remained true to his ideas. Dauzenroth was instrumental in spreading Korczak's thoughts on children's rights and education for independence in Germany and at the same time promoted international cooperation.

From 1972 Dauzenroth taught as a professor at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen . Before that, he was already active as a teacher in the university department and was committed to his academic teacher Heinrich Weinstock . At the University of Giessen he initiated a collaboration with the University of Łódź . He learned the Polish language and followed Korczak's footsteps. Dauzenroth was instrumental in founding the International Korczak Association in 1973; In 1977 he took over the chairmanship of the German Korczak Society.

From 1987 to 1989 he was Vice President of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen.

After his death, the materials from his extensive private collection were given to the Karl Dedecius Archive in Słubice , at the request of his wife .



  • A life for children , 5th, Gütersloher Verl.-Haus, Gütersloh, 2002. ISBN 3-579-01042-5
  • with Erich Geissler, ed .: De magistro. About teaching and teachers of the faith. Festschrift for Alfred Schüler. Mainz 1967

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Friedhelm Beiner: Prof. Dr. Erich Dauzenroth † . In: Uni-Forum newspaper of the Justus Liebig University 17 (2004) No. 4 , p. 13
  2. ↑ The student was a Catholic theologian, priest and prelate . Born July 18, 1897 in Mainz, died June 22, 1980 in Darmstadt