Erich Schlueter

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Erich Schlueter (born May 29, 1903 in Schweidnitz , † November 29, 1977 in Munich ) was a German judge and expellee politician .


Schlüter attended school in Breslau, where he graduated from the Elisabeth Gymnasium in 1922 . He then studied law at the University of Wroclaw . During his studies he became a member of the Corps Silesia and, after moving to Jena, also of the Corps Thuringia Jena . Between the trainee exam in 1926 and the assessor exam in 1930, he also obtained his doctorate in 1928. iur. In November 1930 he became a judge in Hirschberg / Lower Silesia. At the beginning of the war in 1939 he was called up for service in a reconnaissance unit, but then in 1941 judge-martial in the office of the Wehrmacht High Command . After the end of the Second World War, Schlüter was transferred to the district judge in Haßfurt in 1948 and to the Aschaffenburg district court in 1950 . From 1964 until his retirement in 1968 he was president of the regional court in Ansbach .

In addition to his job, Schlüter was involved in Ostpolitik and was, among other things, a member of the federal board of the Silesian Landsmannschaft from 1967 . In 1973 he received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for his services to the policy of expellees .


  • The right of the landowner in the airspace , Wroclaw 1929


  • Fritz Maywald: General Directory of Members of the Corps Silesia 1821–1961 , Part I, Cologne 1961, serial no. 752
  • Kösener corps lists 1960, 83 , 751 and 62 , 994
  • Obituary for Erich Schlüter , in: Corpszeitung der Silesia Breslau, Issue 156/1158 of August 15, 1978, pp. 4–8
  • Eberhard G. Schulz: Obituary for Erich Schlüter , in: Silesia - Art, Science, Folklore, Issue 1, 1978