Erik Stenius

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Erik Gunnarsson Stenius (born December 1, 1911 in Helsinki ; † January 1, 1990 ibid) was a Finnish mathematician, philosopher, language theorist and university teacher.

Live and act

Stenius's parents were the architects Gunnar Stenius and Signe Lagerborg-Stenius. His uncle Rolf Lagerborg worked and taught, like him later, at Åbo Akademi University as a professor of philosophy. Stenius studied philosophy at the University of Helsinki with Eino Kaila and logic in Zurich with Paul Bernays . Stenius received his doctorate on the concept of antinomy in Helsinki in 1949 . In the same year he was appointed professor of philosophy at the Swedish-speaking university Åbo Akademi and in 1954 he was appointed full professor of philosophy. He dealt intensively with Ludwig Wittgenstein's logical-philosophical treatise ( Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus , 1921). Stenius coined the term pair sentence radical vs. Sentence mode , referring to Ludwig Wittgenstein's terminology. In his English essay he uses the term sentence radical . For Stenius in Mood and Language Game (1967), every sentence has two semantic aspects, on the one hand the sentence radical and on the other hand the mode. While in the sentence radical the truth-functional content of a sentence or its proposition is reproduced - one can grasp it in a truth-value-functional semantics - the mode of a sentence indicates the respective type of speech act .

Works (selection)

  • Skola and Bildning (1946)
  • Tankens gryning: en studie över den västerländska filosofins ursprungsskede (Helsingfors: Söderström, 1953, 2nd painos 1975)
  • Wittgenstein's "criticism of the rena språket" (1960)
  • Mood and Language Game. Synthesis 1967/17, pp. 254-274.
  • Critical Essays (1972)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. STENIUS, Erik on
  2. Dieter Krallmann, Gerhard Stickel: On the theory of the question: Lectures of the Bad Homburg Colloquium, 13.-15. November 1978. Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen 1981, ISBN 3-8780-8652-0 , p. 63, footnote