Erner Pretty

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Erner Hübsch (* before 1895; † February 17, 1925 in Berlin-Schöneberg ) was a German silent film actor.


Erner Hübsch, who comes from a Hungarian family of actors and whose date of birth is unknown, was used as an actor in silent films between 1913 and 1924, including works that are still known today, such as the Asta Nielsen films Engelein and Das Ende vom Liede , Otto Rippert's Die Pest in Florence and in the Fritz Lang films Harakiri , Der müde Tod and Dr. Mabuse, the player .

His roles were broad and ranged from carpet dealer to monk and eunuch to scholar, Japanese tea house owner and American coal king. He has appeared in detective series with Stuart Webbs , Harry Hill and Mac Wood , and even in film operas and film singing games. However, he never seems to have got any leading roles.

The break in his filmmaking between 1914 and 1918 can be explained by his participation in the World War as a soldier.

He appeared several times in films by director Gernot Bock-Stieber and his wife, screenwriter Ada van Roon .

Hübsch died on February 17, 1925 in Berlin-Schöneberg.


  • 1913: In representation
  • 1913/1914: Engelein (Asta Nielsen series. IV)
  • 1914: One climbs up
  • 1918: The Pharmacist Warren's Diary
  • 1918: The Railway Marten (Stuart Webbs series. XXII)
  • 1918: a great rat
  • 1919: The plague in Florence [role: monk]
  • 1919: Harakiri [role: tea house owner Kin-Be-Araki]
  • 1919: Future office (one-act)
  • 1919: all because of you!
  • 1919: Yes, there must be on the line, also: There must be something on the line
  • 1919: The gas mask
  • 1919: The end of the song, also: The lie, also: The vow (Asta Nielsen series III)
  • 1919: The Flying Dutchman [role: Serafino, landlord of the Grenzschänke]
  • 1919: The Venus de Milo
  • 1919: Rolf the master detective
  • 1920: Man, where are you?
  • 1920: The Glücksmaxl
  • 1920: The bet in the women's club. Grita and her suitors
  • 1920: Babe goes on the prowl
  • 1920: Love goes through the stomach
  • 1920: The drums of Asia
  • 1920: The Persian, also: the Persian carpet [role: carpet dealer]
  • 1920: Such a girl
  • 1920: human hyenas
  • 1920: The Seven Deadly Sins
  • 1920: The rays of death, also: The ray of death (Mac Wood series. I)
  • 1920: The Haunt of Life [Role: Dr. Claudi]
  • 1920: The Invisible Thief (MacWood Adventure Series)
  • 1920: The anti-detective
  • 1920: Chose doesn't work entirely without men
  • 1920/1921: bandits
  • 1921: The Man in the Closet (MacWood Adventure Series)
  • 1921: The iron fist
  • 1921: The second life
  • 1921: The Tired Death [role: First eunuch]
  • 1921/1922: The missing house
  • 1921/1922: Dr. Mabuse, the player Part I: The great player. A picture of the times
  • 1921/1922: Dr. Mabuse, the player part II: Inferno. A game by people of our time
  • 1922: Der Höllenreiter [role: John Rockstone Sr., the Coal King ] ( Harry Hill -Detective series with Valy Arnheim )
  • 1924: A dream, a life [role: The learned Medici (sic) Dr. Claudi]

Web links


  • German Film Museum Frankfurt am Main: Walter Reimann. Painter and film architect. (= Series of publications of the German Film Museum Frankfurt ). Deutsches Filmmuseum, 1997, ISBN 3-88799-055-2 , p. 205.
  • Heinrich Fraenkel: Immortal Film. The great chronicle. From the magic lantern to the sound film. Part of the picture by Wilhelm Winckel. Kindler, Munich 1956.
  • Frieda Grafe: Fritz Lang. (= Film series. Volume 7). Verlag Hanser, 1987, ISBN 3-446-14542-7 , pp. 150, 152, 169.
  • Dieter Krusche: Engelein. In: Lexicon of the movies. From silent films to today. 3. Edition. European Educational Community et al., Stuttgart et al. 1977, p. 54.
  • Klaus Lippert: Engelein. In: Günther Dahlke, Günter Karl (Hrsg.): German feature films from the beginning to 1933. A film guide. 2nd Edition. Henschel-Verlag, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-89487-009-5 , p. 24 f.
  • Ann C. Paietta: Saints, Clergy and Other Religious Figures on Film and Television, 1895-2003. McFarland Verlag, 2005, ISBN 0-7864-2186-X , p. 119, No. 646. (English)
  • Heide Schlüpmann: the uncanny look. The drama of early German cinema. German Film Museum Frankfurt am Main. Verlag Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, 1990, ISBN 3-87877-373-0 , p. 338.
  • Georges Sturm: The Circe, the Peacock and the Half-Blood: the films by Fritz Lang, 1916–1921. (= International Film History: Series of publications by the Cinémathèque Municipale de Luxembourg. Volume 8). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Verlag 2001, ISBN 3-88476-434-9 , p. 228.
  • Michael Töteberg: Fritz Lang, with personal testimonies and photo documents. (= Rowohlt's monographs. Volume 339). Rowohlt Verlag, 1985, ISBN 3-499-50339-5 , p. 145.
  • Dieter Helmuth Warstat: Early cinema in the small town. (= University scripts / media. Volume 25). Verlag Volker Spiess, 1982, ISBN 3-88435-076-5 , p. 428.
  • Michael Wedel: The German music film. Archeology of a genre. Edition Text + Criticism, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-88377-835-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Fraenkel gives the first name on p. 385 (to "Engelein") as Werner. In the weekly program from 23.06. - 29.06 [2015] of the cinema Lichtspiel , Untere Königstr. 34 in Bamberg, the spelling is adopted. Was "Erner" just a stage name in the end? The names database explains: 'No well known people found for the first name "Erner".
  2. “One would like to say a very special thank you to a batch player, Erner Hübsch, who has put a devoted, devious, eager, incredibly funny little puffin on two legs, which is simply unsurpassable. One will certainly soon see other things from Hübsch, much for the best of German films. - ”wrote the Erste Internationale Film-Zeitung (Berlin) Volume 13, No. 42 of October 25, 1919, on p. 33.
  3. In 1920/21 Alexander von Antalffy played the 'smart, adventurous all-rounder' MacWood several times in the “MacWood series” by director Gernot Bock-Stieber .
  4. Unfortunately there was no evidence of this.
  5. 1920: The Spook of Life , The Invisible Thief , The Rays of Death ; 1921: The man in the closet ; 1924: Ein Traum ein Leben (Remake of 1920: The Spook of Life? ) In both films, Hübsch played “Dr. Claudi ”, v. Antalffy the “Marcus of Lutovice”
  6. 362 or 390 meters, cf. GECD # 17596
  7. at participation of Hübsch not attested
  8. Film opera in one prelude and five sections, edited for the film. v. Hans Neumann. Musical arrangement using the Wagnerian opera of the same name: Dr. Felix Günther, Production: Harmonie-Film Berlin; see. Wedel p. 99, 101f. and 107; on Günther cf. Rudolf A. Bruil (July 10, 2011) at soundfountain
  9. according to GECD # 34509 part of the MacWood adventure series
  10. Director: Gernot Bock-Stieber, actors include Alexander von Antalffy (as detective Mac Wood) and Erner Hübsch. Cinema poster by Josef Fenneker , printed by Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, ill. at plakatkontor
  11. ^ Singspiel based on Eugène Scribe by Sing-Film-GmbH. Berlin with Alois Pennarini and Melitta Klefer , cf. Wedel p. 118 and p. 183, note 223