Ernest Anton Kraft

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Ernest Anton Kraft (born August 17, 1880 in Vienna , † February 19 or June 1962 ) was an Austrian mechanical engineer.


The son of the lawyer Friedrich Kraft and Anna Zehetner studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Vienna and mathematics and physics at the University of Vienna . He passed the diploma exam in 1905.

He gained his first practical experience at the Belgian SA John Cockerill in Seraing and Hoboken in the construction of Parsons turbines and at G. & J. Weir Ltd. in Cathcart -Glasgow.

At the end of 1908 he moved to Ganz & Comp. Danubius AG in Budapest and Fiume, where he was promoted to chief designer in 1912 and directed the construction of numerous turbine and boiler systems for the battleships, cruisers and torpedo boats of the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

In 1917 he joined the AEG turbine factory in Berlin-Moabit, where he developed turbines and gear drives for ships and stationary systems. These included the 80,000 kW turbines for the Klingenberg power plant , with the multi-shaft arrangement implemented for the first time in Europe. At AEG, Kraft's fundamental work in gear and thrust bearing construction was carried out. In 1933 he became director of the turbine factory, which he managed until autumn 1945. In January 1940, Aikawa Yoshisuke visited him as President of the Manchurian Heavy Industry Society. When the application to reopen the turbine factory was submitted to the British military government in 1945 , 75 percent of the site was destroyed and dismantled and Kraft was relieved of his office.

In 1920 he received his doctorate in engineering, in 1925 he qualified as a private lecturer at the TH Berlin and was appointed honorary professor there the following year. In 1928 he received an honorary doctorate from the Vienna University of Technology . He was a member of the Shipbuilding Society. At the Prussian Academy of Sciences, to which he was elected in 1937, he was retroactively deleted in 1948 at the suggestion of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR. His rehabilitation effort petered out in the administration. When he was in Zagreb in the 1950s, he was a corresponding member of the Academy.


  • The turbine freighter "Aldabi" ; 1922
  • America's steam turbine construction ; 1927
  • Energy conversion through gear reduction ; AEG-Mitteilungen 20 (1924), issue 4 and 5
  • Pressure, temperature and efficiency of condensing turbines ; 1927
  • The indirect turbo drive ; 1928
  • Newer thrust bearings ; 1928
  • Nature and application of the back pressure and bleed turbine ; 1930
  • The modern steam turbine ;
  • Steam and gas turbines and piston engines ; 1930
  • The limit turbine as a design problem ; 1930
  • The economic basis for the assessment of modern steam engines ; 1930
  • The modern steam turbine ; 1931
  • The steam turbine construction in 1933 ; 1934
  • The AEG turbo generator ; 1934
  • Development guidelines of steam turbine construction ; 1934
  • Thrust Bearings: Theory, Experimental Work, and Performance. General Discussion on Lubrication and Lubricants ; 1937
  • Working speed and steam wetness in steam turbines ; 1938
  • The steam turbine in operation: construction · operation · faults

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz: 1949-1989 ; (1989) p. 603