Ernest le Pelley

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Ernest le Pelley, 16th Seigneur von Sark (* 1801 ; † 1849 ) was Seigneur von Sark from 1839 to 1849 .

In 1844, while hopelessly looking for funds to continue operating a silver mine , he obtained permission from the Crown to mortgage the Sark feudal system for £ 4,000 to John Allaire, a local privateer . In 1845 the ceiling of the deepest tunnel collapsed. However, the company was not insured and was ultimately closed in 1847. Le Pelley's heir, Pierre Carey le Pelley , was unable to maintain the pledge payments and was forced to sell the Seigneur von Sark title to Marie Collings , John Allaire's daughter and heiress, for £ 6,000.