Erni Deutsch-Einöder

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Erni Deutsch-Einöder (born November 17, 1917 in Einöd ; † February 16, 1997 in Zweibrücken ) was a Palatinate author.


Erni Deutsch, who as a writer gave herself the suffix Einöder and only appeared in public in this way, grew up in the Saar-Palatinate and Lorraine as the daughter of a French father and a German mother. After the war she lived in Zweibrücken until her death. She was referred to as the mother of the Palatinate Literary Association . For several years she was also the chairwoman of the Zweibrücken section. Her main job was the managing director of the Volkshochschule Zweibrücken for 12 years .

Erni Deutsch-Einöder was buried in the cemetery of her birthplace Einöd.


Deutsch-Einöder has not only published her numerous stories and poems in book form, but also widely on the radio, in literary magazines and daily newspapers. It is also represented in some anthologies . As a selection of books are mentioned:

  • The pigeons fly because of us, Zweibrücken, 1962
  • All good things come from donkeys, Zweibrücken, 1975
  • The many, many signs, Landau, 1980
  • Paths that lead home, Ostfildern, 1980


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