Ernst Ferdinand Gregorovius

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Ernst Ferdinand Gregorovius (* 1816 , † after 1886) was a Prussian district administrator in the Pleschen district , Posen province .


Gregorovius was from 1843 administrator of the Adelnau police district and from 1845 to 1848 administrator of the Komorik police district. In 1849 he was proposed on an interim basis as district administrator and from 1851 as district administrator of the Pleschen district . From 1853 to 1858 and again from 1861 to 1885 he served as district administrator in Pleschen. In 1886 he was i. R. adopted.

Gregorovius was a member of the Prussian House of Representatives from 1855 to 1858 .

Individual evidence

  1. Here Komorniki in the Posen district is most likely misspelled in Acta Borussica, Vol. 4 / II !?
  2. B. Holtz (edit.): The protocols of the Prussian State Ministry 1817–1934 / 38. Vol. 4 / II. In: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): Acta Borussica . New episode. Olms-Weidmann, Hildesheim 2003, ISBN 3-487-11827-0 , p. 576 ( Online ; PDF 1.9 MB).