Ernst Fischer (inventor)

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Ernst August Maximilian Fischer (born September 19, 1910 in Suhl , Thuringia ; † September 26, 2006 there ) was a German engineer , inventor and local researcher .


Ernst Fischer, who comes from the southern Thuringian town of Suhl, completed an apprenticeship as a toolmaker after completing his compulsory schooling . He then studied at the HTL for mechanical engineering and electronics in Hildburghausen , in 1932 he obtained his engineering degree. He then took up an engineering position at Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG (later Flick) in Dessau in Saxony-Anhalt . Later he took over the post of chief engineer at an aircraft engine repair company in Leipzig . After the Second World War , Ernst Fischer emerged as the inventor of the first electric GDR sewing machines, including the legendary FREIA electric suitcase sewing machine from 1948, which had been produced in Suhl for years. In 1953 Ernst Fischer was appointed plant manager of the central development and construction in Suhl of the combine iron, sheet metal, metal goods (ZEK EBM). Fischer, who subsequently devoted himself in particular to the construction of automation systems, manufactured the world's first fully automatic needle production system for Ichtershausen , left this position in 1973 and retired in 1975. As a result, he turned to historical research in South Thuringia. He provided essential insights into the prehistoric iron production in and around Suhl as well as evidence of a Celtic - and thus much earlier than previously assumed - settlement of southern Thuringia. Ernst Fischer, who was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon in 1995 and in whose name 36 patents are registered, died in 2006 at the old age of 96 in Suhl.

Publications (selection)

  • For the evaluation of small water body names as possible indicators of formerly Celtic settlement, Ms., Suhl, 1983
  • Contributions to the early history of Suhl, Vol. 1 Selected and updated manuscripts on the early history of South Thuringia, 1st edition, Suhl, 1993
  • The Toompea book: "uff Sanct Otilien Berge" (1528); Morphology, names, sagas, traces and the iron; Dedicated to the city of Suhl and the Dombergverein, Copy Tech Thüringen, Suhl, 1994
  • Facts, evidence, arguments: on the origin of the old mountain town of Suhl, 2nd edition, Copy Tech Thuringia, Suhl, 1996
  • The legend of the castle on the Ruppberg: Attempt to clarify a controversial opinion-forming on the basis of a comprehensive document appendix as well as the results of field research, Suhl, 1997
  • Archaeological monuments, developed and not yet developed, but presumable, from earlier to prehistoric times as well as archaeological finds from the area of ​​the city of Suhl and the surrounding area, Suhl, 1999
  • The mysterious Domberg near Suhl: Study on the importance of the mountain as a presumed prehistoric cult and burial site, 2nd edition, Copy Tech Thuringia, Suhl, 1999
  • The original legend of the old mountain town of Suhl in the Thuringian Forest, Copy Tech Thuringia, Suhl, 2000
  • Early historical iron production around Suhl in the Thuringian Forest: Conclusions from the early iron smelting slag that came to light in the Suhl area, among others, 1st edition, Manuscript duplication, Suhl, 2000
  • Finds of iron smelting slag from the Suhl area and linguistic peculiarities in the region, Copy Tech Thuringia, Suhl, 2003
  • Suhl and the salt: the proof that Suhl is not a salt town and that the place name did not originate from a salt name, Copy Tech Thuringia, Suhl, 2003


  • Peter Wilhelm: Old sewing machines. Names, dates, facts. Mecke, Duderstadt 2002, p. 135.
  • Holger Uske: Ernst Fischer. A researcher and technician from Suhl. In: Kleine Suhler series. 12. Cultural Office, City Administration Suhl, Suhl 2005.
  • Dietrich Fischer: The sewing machine construction in Suhl, Kleine Suhler Reihe, issue 44, Suhl city administration, Suhl 2015
  • Museum of Prehistory and Early History of Thuringia: Old Thuringia. Volume 39.Böhlaus Nachf., Weimar 2006, p. 254.
  • Günter Höhne : The divided form. German-German design affairs 1949–1989. Torch bearer, Cologne 2009, p. 191.

Web links

  • Günter Höhne: Ernst Fischer died , in:; accessed on May 1, 2014