Ernst Krankemann

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Ernst Krankemann (born December 19, 1895 - † July 28, 1941 ) was a Kapo in the Auschwitz concentration camp .

The Berlin hairdresser was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. On August 29, 1940, Krankemann was transferred with a transport of 100 German political and so-called 'anti-social' criminals from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to Auschwitz, where they were then used as prisoner functionaries in the penal company.

There are reports of Krankemann's cruel activity as a prison functionary: two hours before the early roll call, he had his punishment company (SK) stand in front of the block and squat until roll call. In Block 11 there were several deaths at the punishment company almost every day. As Kapo of the Road Construction Command, it was Krankemann who, sitting on the drawbar of a large roller, drove priests who were stretched in front of this roller from morning to evening. Anyone who fell to the ground was run over. "Thick, stocky, but of a strong build, this Kapo was able to kill an inmate by smashing his head against the wall with a punch." No inmate who discovered gold teeth survived.

On the orders of Horst Schumann , he was sent to the Nazi killing center in Pirna-Sonnenstein and was presumably hanged by prisoners on the way there.


  1. ^ Wacław Długoborski , Franciszek Piper : Auschwitz 1940-1945: Studies on the history of the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz. Epilogue ; 1999; Pp. 115, 128.
  2. also in DER SPIEGEL 6/1979: Nobody can get out of here
  3. Józef Buszko, Danuta Czech et al .: Auschwitz: fascist extermination camp , Polska Agencja Interpress, Rada Ochrony Pomników Walki i Męchzeństwa, 1981, p. 107.
  4. "However, he probably never got there because he was hanged in the train wagon by prisoners who wanted to avenge the death of his victims in this way ." Józef Buszko, Danuta Czech et al .: Auschwitz: fascist extermination camp , Polska Agencja Interpress, Rada Ochrony Pomników Walki i Męchzeństwa, 1981, p. 107.