Ernst Pollak

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Ernst Pollak is a former Austrian civil servant of the Austrian Federal Railways , Councilor and Head of Department in the Federal Ministry of Transport .


In 1968 he was an employee and central railway inspector (official title for wage group IXb) in the personnel and social administration of the General Directorate of the Austrian Federal Railways.

Ernst Pollak was at least from 1977 to 1984 head of Department II / 2 (legal and administrative matters relating to railways (except trams) and pipelines, etc.) in Section II (Supreme Authority for Railways, Motor Lines, Pipelines and T-bars) in the Federal Ministry of Transport .

The civil servant has the academic degree Dr. iur. , the official title of Hofrat and the official title of Federal Railroad Directorate .

Awards and honors

Individual evidence

  1. General Directorate of the Austrian Federal Railways (ed.): Almanach der Österreichische Eisenbahnen 1968 . Vienna 1968, page 14
  2. General Directorate of the Austrian Federal Railways (ed.): Almanach der Österreichische Eisenbahnen 1977 . Vienna 1977, page 14
  3. a b c d e General Directorate of the Austrian Federal Railways (Ed.): Almanach der Österreichischen Eisenbahnen 1984 . Vienna 1984, page 14