Erwin Waldschütz

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Erwin Waldschütz (born September 26, 1948 in Gföhl ; † September 18, 1995 in Krems an der Donau ) was an Austrian philosopher .

Waldschütz studied philosophy, catholic theology, medieval history and indology at the universities of Vienna and Leuven / Belgium . From 1975 he taught the history of philosophy at the Institute for Christian Philosophy of the Catholic theological faculty under the then chairman Augustinus Karl Wucherer-Huldenfeld . Later he was himself a professor of philosophy at the University of Vienna. In 1987 he received the Cardinal Innitzer Prize for the Humanities .

Waldschütz was an excellent expert on the philosophy and theology of Meister Eckhart . In addition to the philosophy of the Middle Ages , his main areas of work were the problem of justifying human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as questions of social ethics and ideology .


  • Thinking and experiencing the reason: On the philosophical interpretation of Meister Eckhart. - Vienna: Herder, 1989
  • Thoughts of peace. - Graz: University, 1982
  • Meister Eckhart: A philosophical interpretation of the treatises. - Bonn: Grundmann, 1978
  • Miroslav Marcelli, Erwin Waldschütz (editor): Beyond the borders. Documentation of an encounter between Bratislava and Vienna. Vienna: 1992
  • Perceptions and reception of French philosophy in Austria (1918–1993): Friedrich Koja / Otto Pfersmann (eds.): France - Austria. Mutual perceptions and mutual influence since 1918. - Vienna: Böhlau 1994

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