Etroplus canarensis

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Etroplus canarensis
Drawing from the first description

Drawing from the first description

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Etroplinae
Genre : Etroplus
Type : Etroplus canarensis
Scientific name
Etroplus canarensis
Day , 1877

Etroplus canarensis is a cichlid which endemic southwestern Indian into two flows (Kumaradhara and Nethravati) Western Ghats in the south of the state Karnataka occurs.


It has a disc-shaped, very high back and laterally strongly flattened body and is up to 11.5 centimeters long. The body height is about 53% of the standard length . Females stay a little smaller. Otherwise the sexes can hardly be distinguished. The relatively small mouth is terminal and has two or three rows of small teeth. Palatine teeth are missing. The eyes are noticeably large and have a diameter that is a little over a tenth of the standard length. The scales are not very pronounced ridge scales , they reach down to the base of the soft-rayed sections of the dorsal and anal fin. These are rounded at the end or only slightly pointed. The caudal fin is indented. Etroplus canarensis is golden-yellow, beige to yellow-brown in color and shows eight slate-gray to brown-gray, vertical bands on the sides of the body. Each band is darkest at the top and becomes increasingly lighter towards the belly. The first two bands, one located directly behind the head, the other below the dorsal fin hard rays four to eight, are Y or V-shaped, the third, located below the center of the dorsal fin, is shaped like an X. The other bands are simple. The dorsal fin is dirty green to yellow in color, the pectoral fins are yellow with a black or bluish base, the pelvic fins and anal fin are yellowish at the base and blackish in the distal part, and the caudal fin is transparent. Fearful or uncomfortable fish lose their golden yellow sheen and turn yellow-brown with dark brown stripes.

Way of life

The fish feed mainly on plants and thread algae, but plant material seems to be of less importance than the closely related striped cichlid ( Etroplus suratensis ). Etroplus canarensis are substrate spawners who attach their clutch openly to stones or pieces of wood, and form a parent family in which both parents take care of the eggs and fry.

Etroplus canarensis is only found in a small area and is threatened by environmental pollution and uncontrolled trapping for the purpose of aquarium keeping.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Menon, AGK, K. Rama Devi and WE Burgess (1993): On the rediscovery of Etroplus canarensis Day. Tropical Fish Hobbyist March 1993: 146-149.
  2. a b Jörg Albering: Etroplus canarensis Day, 1877 DCG information 34 (6): Pages 121–128.
  3. Etroplus suratensis in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Posted by: Ali, A., 2013.2. Retrieved November 6, 2016.

Web links

Commons : Etroplus canarensis  - collection of images, videos and audio files