Eugene Fick

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Eugen Fick (born December 24, 1926 in Munich ; † January 18, 2009 ) was a German theoretical physicist .


Eugen Fick studied physics and in 1953 with the work , the polarization of light by aspherical, ferromagnetic particles in a homogeneous magnetic field at the Munich Technical University to Dr. rer. nat. PhD . In 1959 he completed his habilitation in Munich with a thesis on thermodynamics and quantum statistics of a system with different orbit and spin temperatures . From 1959 to 1960 he worked as a private lecturer, from 1962 as a university lecturer. In 1962/1963 he was a substitute professor for theoretical physics at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg . In 1964 he received a call to the Chair of Theoretical Solid State Physics at the Technical University of Darmstadt . He taught as emeritus at the Institute for Solid State Physics at the Technical University of Darmstadt.

His work, Introduction to the Fundamentals of Quantum Theory , published in six editions since 1968, is a standard work in physics.


  • Eugen Fick, Günter Sauermann: Quantum statistics of dynamic processes I. General aspects , German Harri 1983, ISBN 3-87144-740-4
  • Eugen Fick, Günter Sauermann: Quantum statistics of dynamic processes II A. Small disturbances of the equilibrium , German Harri 1986, ISBN 3-87144-761-7
  • Eugen Fick, Günter Sauermann: Quantum statistics of dynamic processes II B. Strong disturbances of the equilibrium , Deutsch Harri 1996, ISBN 3-87144-838-9
  • Eugen Fick: Introduction to the basics of quantum theory , Aula Verlag 6th edition, 1988, ISBN 3-89104-472-0

Web links

  • Short biography. (PDF file; 313 kB) In: WHO'S WHO IN GERMANY. Archived from the original on July 3, 2012 .;

Individual evidence

  1. Augsburger Allgemeine from January 20, 2009