Euler-Rodrigues formula

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In mathematics and mechanics , the Euler-Rodrigues formula according to Leonhard Euler and Olinde Rodrigues is used to describe a rotation in three dimensions. Defined with four Euler parameters for which applies

a rotation matrix . This formula is based on Rodrigues' formula , but uses a different parameterization.

The formula is used in flight simulators and computer games .



The parameters ( ) and ( ) describe the same rotation, which is due to the fact that they are always multiplied in pairs in the Q-matrix and thus the minus signs are neutralized. Apart from this symmetry, four parameters define the rotation matrix in a unique way.

Vector formulation

From the parameters a can vector are formed. In superscript denotes the transposed matrix , so that a column vector. Then applies to all :

This is how the designation for a scalar parameter and a vector parameter is motivated . With the cross product matrix

shows up

Inside is the identity matrix . This is created with the Euler parameters . For 180 ° rotations , and .

Angle of rotation and axis of rotation

Each rotation in three dimensions is determined uniquely by a rotational angle and a rotational axis defined by a unit vector with is defined. Then the Euler parameters of the rotation are:

If it increases by a full 360 ° rotation, the Euler parameters arise which - as noted above - represent the same rotation.

So the vector parameter is here . With these parameters and the double angle functions , the Rodrigues formula for the rotation matrix is ​​created:

Parameters of a rotation matrix

If the rotation matrix is given and the Euler parameters are sought, then they are obtained as follows. If only has positive diagonal elements, then is

The remaining parameters arise from


i 1 2 3
q i b c d
j 2 3 1
k 3 1 2

If there are partially negative diagonal elements, then let the largest diagonal element be and

With this value and from the above table is determined

Calculation of the rotation matrix once with and once with and comparison with the given rotation matrix finally provides the sign of .

Linking two rotations

The combination of two rotations results in a rotation. From Euler parameters for the first rotation and for the second rotation , the combined rotation from the first rotation and the subsequent second rotation results from the Euler parameters


Again , what can be confirmed by inserting applies here . The latter identity has over

a direct reference to Euler's four-squares theorem and the quaternions.

Connection with other constructs


The Euler parameters can be viewed as components of a unit quaternion. The parameter is its real part and its imaginary part. With the unit quaternions , which consist of the Euler parameters of two rotations , the Euler parameters of the combined rotation can be elegantly calculated with the product of the quaternions:

Here are and the complex imaginary units that are not commutatively linked with the Hamilton rules . For example is .

Pauli matrices

The unitary 2 × 2 matrices

with the imaginary unit of the complex numbers are related to the Pauli matrices , which are used in the standard model of elementary particle physics and in quantum mechanics.

The matrices transform in a similar way to the above Hamilton rules of the complex imaginary units of the quaternions:

Correspondingly, these unitary 2 × 2 matrices can also be used to describe rotations. Details can be found in Quaternion , SU (2) and Spin group .

Using the Euler parameters, the unitary 2 × 2 matrix corresponding to a rotation is:

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Axel Volkwein: Numerical simulation of flexible rockfall protection systems . Ed .: Institute for Structural Analysis and Design, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich . vdf Hochschulverlag AG, 2004, ISBN 978-3-7281-2986-4 ( limited preview in Google book search [accessed June 30, 2017]).