Euphlyctis aloysii

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Euphlyctis aloysii
Euphlyctis aloysii .jpg

Euphlyctis aloysii

Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Dicroglossidae
Subfamily : Dicroglossinae
Genre : Euphlyctis
Type : Euphlyctis aloysii
Scientific name
Euphlyctis aloysii
Joshy , Alam , Kurabayashi , Sumida & Kuramoto , 2009

Euphlyctis aloysii is a species of amphibian in the Dicroglossidae family .


Euphlyctis aloysii is a small species of Euphlyctis . The males are not yet known. The body length of the females is 31.8 to 45.2 millimeters. The species is smaller compared to Euphlyctis hexadactylus , has a smaller head, shorter extremities, wider eyelids in relation to the length of the body and four large, dark, elliptical markings on the back. It also differs from the species Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis by the markings on the back and by the thin stripe on the middle of the back. Furthermore, in Euphlyctis aloysii, the eyes and tympanum are smaller in relation to the body length and the shins and thigh bones are shorter.


The species is so far only known from Adyar and Bajpe from Mangalore , India.

Way of life

Females with eggs in their bodies were found in late May to late July. The eggs are about a millimeter in diameter and pigmented. The spawning season begins in early August.


Euphlyctis aloysii was 2009 S. Hareesh Joshy , Mohammad Alam Shaiqul , Atsushi Kurabayashi , Masayuki Sumida and Mitsuru Kuramoto first described . The name was given in honor of Aloisius von Gonzaga (1568–1591), an Italian Jesuit.

supporting documents

  • SH Joshy, MS Alam, A. Kurabayashi, M. Sumida, M. Kuramoto: Two new species of the genus Euphlyctis (Anura, Ranidae) from southwestern India, revealed by molecular and morphological comparisons . Alytes, Paris 2009, 26, pp. 97-116.

Web links

  • Darrel R. Frost: Euphlyctis aloysii Joshy, Alam, Kurabayashi, Sumida, and Kuramoto, 2009 . In: Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference . Version 6.0 (accessed March 28, 2014). ( online ).