Euplexia euplexina

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Euplexia euplexina
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Xyleninae
Genre : Euplexia
Type : Euplexia euplexina
Scientific name
Euplexia euplexina
( Rebel , 1917)

Euplexia euplexina is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of the owl butterflies (Noctuidae) and occurs exclusively in the Canary Islands .


The light brown antennae can be 2/3 the length of the body. They are provided with short double-comb teeth that continue as eyelash bristles towards the tip of the antennae. The palps are dark brown in color. The head and thorax with a strong, black-brown rear forehead with a reddish tip are reddish-brown. The dark brown legs have whitish spotted hind ends. The light brownish-gray abdomen with dark backs has a very dense, long, inside yellowish tuft of anal tuft. The chocolate brown forewings are short and wide and reach lengths of 17 to 18 mm. The hind wings, however, are light brownish-gray in color and reach lengths of 36 to 38 mm.

A similar species is Euplexia lucipara .


Euplexia euplexina is endemic to the western Canary Islands . You can find them on La Gomera , La Palma and Tenerife . The species can be found mainly in laurel forests . There it occurs in damp, herbaceous and shady places between woods, on roadsides in forests and on the north side of slopes.

Way of life and development

The caterpillars of Euplexia euplexina feed on ferns e.g. B. Dryopteris oligodonta , Pteridium aquilinum and Dryopteris guanchica and herbaceous plants such as Argyranthemum broussonetii or Urtica morifolia . The moths can be found all year round, but less often in summer. The caterpillars are often difficult to find because they live very hidden, but can still be observed during the day. They can be attracted with light at night. The young caterpillars are green in color, which turns into a brownish shade with age. They then pupate in a light cocoon in the litter layer .


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