Eurypylos (son of Temenus)

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Eurypylos ( Greek  Εὐρύπυλος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

Eurypylos was a son of the Heraclid Temenos, who ruled in Argos , and was the brother of Agelaos , Callias and Hyrnetho . Because Temenos preferred his daughter Hyrnetho and her husband Deiphontes to his sons, they had their father murdered. However, neither Eurypylos nor any of his brothers inherited the paternal kingdom, since the army granted rule over Temenos' kingdom Deiphontes and Hyrnetho.



  1. Libraries of Apollodor 2, 8, 5, 3f., § 179; see. Pausanias 2, 19, 1 and 2, 28, 2ff.