Eustochia Smeraldo Calafato

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Eustochia Calafato.

Eustochia Smeraldo Calafato (civil: Smeralda Calafato , born March 25, 1434 in Messina , † January 20, 1485 ibid) was an Italian religious. She is venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church .


Smeraldo Calafato joined the Order of the Poor Clares in Basico in 1449 and took the name Eustochia. As a religious, she led a strict asceticism and devoted herself particularly to self-mortification . In 1464, with the permission of the Pope, she founded the Montevergine convent , of which Eustochia was the abbess . The Book of Suffering she wrote testifies to her love for the crucified Lord.

It was in 1782 by Pope Pius VI. Beatified and canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1988 . Her feast day is January 20th.

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