Eusyllis blomstrandi

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Eusyllis blomstrandi
Eusyllis blomstrandi

Eusyllis blomstrandi

Trunk : Annelids (Annelida)
Class : Polychaete (Polychaeta)
Order : Phyllodocida
Family : Syllidae
Genre : Eusyllis
Type : Eusyllis blomstrandi
Scientific name
Eusyllis blomstrandi
( Malmgren , 1867)

Eusyllis blomstrandi is a marine annelid from the genus Eusyllis within the polychaete - family of Syllidae extending from hydroid fed.


Eusyllis blomstrandi has a thick, fragile body that grows up to 3.2 cm in length in adult animals and has up to 124 segments . The rounded rectangular to semicircular prostomium has four eyes arranged in the shape of a trapezoid and two ocelles . The broad, lobed palps are often longer than the prostomium, the central antenna at least twice as long as the two unringed side antennas, which in turn are longer than the palps. The tentacles - cirrus and back cirrus are also without ringing . Belly cirrus is present as well as 1 to 3 aciculae.

The spread of the composite bristles are very short and have two teeth. The parapodia on the posterior segments have additional upper capillary-shaped bristles and lower simple bristles with two teeth. The pharynx has two rows of soft papillae and a crown of dark, finely toothed rings of chitin and a single large, conical tooth. The elongated proventriculus is covered with 50 to 55 rows of spots.

The animal is yellow to orange, the gills and cirrus have brown tips. Often the animals light up in green bioluminescence . Specimens preserved in alcohol become transparent, the front body brownish to light green.

distribution and habitat

Eusyllis blomstrandi is widespread in the Arctic and in the northern Atlantic Ocean including the North Sea , where it lives between large algae , bog animals and colony-forming hydrozoa below the intertidal zone to about 1700 m sea depth and often builds tubes of slime.


As a carnivore , Eusyllis blomstrandi feeds on the polyps of sessile hydrozoans.

Life cycle

Eusyllis blomstrandi is segregated with females and males of roughly the same size that mate on the east coast of England in spring and summer. To this end, they come together in large numbers as a sexually mature free-swimming epitoke stage and release their gametes before they die. Fertilization takes place in open seawater, and free-swimming larvae develop, which later sink and metamorphose into crawling worms .


  • JD Fish, S. Fish: A Student's Guide to the Seashore. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011. pp. 150f.
  • PJ Hayward, JS Ryland: Handbook of the Marine Fauna of North-West Europe. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995. p. 236.

Web links

Commons : Eusyllis blomstrandi  - collection of images, videos and audio files