Eutropius Messalinus

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Eutropius Messalinus (also Greek Messalinos , from Greek ischεσσαλῖνος ) was a Roman politician and senator .

Comparatively little is known about the career of Messalinus, although he apparently made a brilliant career in the 4th century. The sparse information can be found in surviving inscriptions . Such an epigram inscription on the theater of Ephesus identifies him and the rhetorician and Libanios student Aphthonius Rhetor as the founder of renovation measures at the theater after it was destroyed by several earthquakes between the years 358 and 368. According to the inscription, the upper row of seats and the north wall of the theater were renewed. For a long time, based on the inscription, it was assumed that Messalinus was the architect responsible for this work. An honorary statue was dedicated to him in Ephesus, the inscription of which praises him as the best proconsul. Neither the base nor the inscription on the theater, like the period of office of Eutropius Messalinus, can certainly not be dated more precisely. They are located at the end of the 4th century.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Great Theater in Ephesus | Turkish Archaeological News. Retrieved May 16, 2020 .
  2. Hans Willer Laale: Ephesus (Ephesos). An Abbreviated History From Androclus to Constantine XI. WestBow Press, Bloomington 2011, ISBN 978-1-4497-1620-2 , pp. 303-304
  3. Helmut Engelmann , Dieter Knibbe , Reinhold Merkelbach : The Inscriptions of Ephesus Part IV. Inscriptions of Greek Cities from Asia Minor, Volume 14. Bonn 1980, p. 166, number 1307
  4. Detail Base :: Last Statues of Antiquity. Retrieved May 16, 2020 .
  5. ^ Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity 2004. Section IV: Arcadius to Theodosius II, 395-450. Inscriptions in this section. Retrieved May 16, 2020 .