Everhard Rubenow

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Everhard Rubenow († 1379 ) was the mayor of Greifswald .


Everhard Rubenow was the son of the Greifswald councilor of the same name († 1312). He studied with his brother Johannes, who became a clergyman, and obtained a master's degree . He represented the city of Greifswald and foreign parties as legal adviser. In 1336 he was summoned to Wismar in the trial of the city of Stralsund against pastor Heinrich von Bülow . In a dispute between the Hamburg city council and the cathedral chapter , he gave an opinion on the legal situation in Greifswald. Together with his brother and other clergymen, in 1340 he brokered the transfer of the Boltenhäger pond and the property adjacent to it from the Eldena monastery to the city of Greifswald. In the negotiations he was referred to partly as a scholar ( clericus ) and master's degree, partly as an arbitrator ( arbitror ).

In the course of his activity he acquired great wealth, which manifested itself in urban and rural property. In 1349 he was first mentioned as a member of the council. He was elected mayor as early as 1351. In the first years as councilor and mayor, Western Pomerania was affected by the plague . From 1351 on, the Second War of the Rügen Succession broke out .

During the First Waldemark War with Denmark, the Hanseatic League convened advisory meetings in Greifswald on August 1 and September 7, 1361. Rubenow led the negotiations together with the two other mayors Heinrich von Lübeck and Nikolaus Westphal. An alliance with Sweden and Norway was formed. In addition, Greifswald and Stralsund put together twelve ships and 600 armed men. After the defeat in the naval war and the loss of the Hanseatic fleet near Helsingborg in 1362 , the armistice and peace negotiations again took place in Greifswald. However, the negotiations were unsuccessful. Only negotiations in Stralsund in 1364, in which Everhard Rubenow participated as Greifswald's representative, led to an armistice on June 21, 1364.

During this time the city acquired extensive property from the indebted noble families Gristow and Dotenberg. At the same time, it joined forces with the neighboring Hanseatic towns of Stralsund, Anklam and Demmin, with whom common laws were drawn up. The civil conditions in the city were rearranged through the creation of inheritance and pension books.

At the end of the 1360s, Everhard Rubenow took part in the negotiations of the Hanseatic League together with Siegfried von Lübeck and Heinrich Schupplenberg, as a result of which the Hanseatic League again declared war on Denmark in alliance with Sweden. The Hanseatic League remained victorious in the Second Waldemark War . Rubenow took part in the negotiations for the Peace of Stralsund von Stralsund in 1370 , with which the war ended.

Everhard Rubenow and his wife Gheseke had several daughters and two sons, of whom Heinrich Rubenow († 1419) also became mayor.
