Evert Jacob van Wachendorff

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Evert Jacob van Wachendorff

Evert Jacob van Wachendorff (also: Everhardus Jacobus, Eberhard Jakob van Wachendorf ; born November 2, 1703 in Utrecht ; † December 22, 1758 ibid) was a Dutch physician, botanist and chemist.


Evert Jacob was the son of the doctor Alexander Carel Philip van Wachendorff (* July 12, 1665 in Cleve; † January 27, 1757 in Utrecht) and his wife Gerharda van Sypesteyn (* April 19, 1672 in Utrecht; † November 14, 1742 ibid ), Daughter of Everard van Sypesteyn and Catharina van den Woerd. He began studying medicine at the University of Utrecht in 1723 and received his doctorate in medicine under Josephus Serrurier on September 21, 1724 with the treatise De natura solidorum et fluidorum, eorumque mutua actione in variis aetatibus . He then worked as a general practitioner and private lecturer in Utrecht.

On July 22, 1743 the curators of the Utrecht University appointed him professor of medicine, botany and chemistry, which office he took up on September 26, 1743 with the speech botanico-medica de plantis, inmensitatis intellectus divini testibus locupletissimis . In this capacity he also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1747/48 , on which occasion he gave the speech Ex principiis corpus humanum constituentibus medicum chemiae peritum huius ignaro esse praestantiorem . He had earned merit when he reorganized the Hortus Botanicus Ultraiectini Academicum in Utrecht and in 1747 published an index of all plants there. He had also studied the anatomy of the eye and published the first description of the pupillary membrane in 1740. Since he died at a young age, he could not achieve any other outstanding achievement.

Wachendorff was married three times. His first marriage was on September 6, 1734 in Utrecht with Louise van Wachendorff (born January 6, 1706 in Utrecht; † July 17, 1735 ibid), the daughter of Cornelis Anthonie van Wachendorff (1667-1730) and his wife Aletta van Sypesteyn (1669-1752). His second marriage on June 20, 1736 in The Hague with Johanna Margaretha Snevens (~ June 9, 1698 in The Hague; † 1748) the daughter of Johan Reinhout Snevens and his wife Perpetua Rijklofsdr van Goens. His third marriage was on September 16, 1749 in Utrecht with Maria Amelia Hoffmann († 1770). All marriages were unhappy and he remained childless.


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  1. online