Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen

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PC Molhuysen (1922)

Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (born August 20, 1870 in Almelo , † July 15, 1944 in The Hague ) was the librarian of the Royal Library of the Netherlands .


The son of Hendrik Emilius August Molhuysen and his wife Henriena Johanna Elisabeth de Lange attended high school in Deventer. In 1891 Molhuysen began studying classical languages ​​at the University of Leiden . His teachers at that time were Jan van Leeuwen (1850–1924) and Jacobus Johannes Hartman (1851–1924), who turned his main focus on the classical authors. After a few stays at Italian libraries, he returned to Leiden, where he received his doctorate in classical philology on November 4, 1896 with the dissertation De tribus Homeri Odysseae codicibus antiquissimis . From 1897 to 1913 he was curator of the handwritten department at Leiden University.

In 1913, Molhuysen was appointed Librarian of the Peace Palace by the Dutch Carnegie Foundation . His task was to rebuild a library in the field of international law and diplomatic history. On October 1, 1921, he was hired as the successor to Willem Geertrudus Cornelis Byvanck (1848-1925) as librarian at the Royal Library of the Netherlands. Molhuysen and Petrus Johannes Blok gained general recognition through the editors of the Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . He contributed a large number of articles to the Dutch standard reference work.

Molhysen was married three times. His first marriage was in 1902 with Johanna Agatha Valken († 1919). The marriage had three children. His second marriage was with Elsa Rachel Oppenheim, in which marriage a son was born. However, the marriage was short-lived. His third marriage was in 1923 with Julia Ulrica de Vries, who gave birth to a son and a daughter.

Works (selection)

  • De tribus Homeri Odysseae codicibus. Leiden 1896
  • Inventory van de archieven of the Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden. 1909
  • Codices Manuscripti Bibliothecae Universitatis Leidensis. 1910-1912
  • Bronnen dead de divorced from Leidsche University. 's-Gravenhage 1913-1924, 7th vol.
  • De komst van Scaliger in Leiden. Leiden 1913
  • Catalog de la Bibliothèque de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage à La Haye. 's-Gravenhage 1919
  • De briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius. 's-Gravenhage 1928-1936
  • Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek. 's-Gravenhage 1911-1937


  • Leendert Brummel: Molhuysen, Philipp Christiaan (1870-1944) . In: Biographical Woordenboek van Nederland . The Hague, 1979 ( Online , Dutch)
  • Antoon Gerard Roos : Levens report PC Molhuysen . Amsterdam, 1944–1945, pp. 161–175 ( online (PDF file; 783 kB), Dutch)

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