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Classification according to ICD-10
M89.9 Exostosis
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)
X-ray image of an exostosis on a femur
Mandibular exostosis on the outside of the lower jaw

Under exostosis (from Latin ex , out ', os , bone' and -ose disease) refers to a bone proliferation of compact bone ( Compacta ) those of the normal bone surface extends (in the vernacular: "ganglion"). The exostosis belongs to the hyperostoses and on the one hand can occur as a hyperplastic reaction and is then also referred to as an osteophyte . A hyperplastic reaction arises in response to a stimulus, such as pressure on a point, overuse of a tendon attachment, or inflammation of the periosteum . An exostosis can develop as a benign tumor as an osteoma , whereby there is usually a slow growth tendency . Exostosis can develop in any bone and is either symptom-free or characterized by pain , signs of inflammation, and restricted mobility. The metatarsal bones and the back of the hand are particularly often affected.


Exostoses can occur on a wide variety of bones, for example, they are typical

As a generalized disease, exostoses occur in hereditary dysplasia exostotica ( synonyms osteoplasia exostotica , multiple cartilaginous exostoses ). With this disease there is a clear tendency to recur, which only subsides as the person concerned gets older. A malignant dedifferentiation of this type of exostosis cannot be completely ruled out.


Depending on the localization, pain , signs of inflammation and possibly functional disorders occur. For example, auditory canal exostoses lead to a reduction in hearing . If cartilaginous exostoses grow into the course of a muscle, this can lead to significant functional impairments. It can happen that an exostosis that has grown into the muscle breaks off when the muscle is vigorously tensed. The consequences are similar to those of a broken bone with severe swelling of the affected extremity and high blood loss.


If such problems arise as a result of the exostoses, therapy consists of chiseling off the excess bone. It is important to consider whether the exostosis, which is harmless in itself, causes more difficulties than the expected scar. Under local anesthesia ( local anesthetic ) or general anesthesia is achieved, the tissue over the exostosis, then the bone with a drill or chisel is removed, the sealed section on the bone with a special wax and the wound is closed again. The external wound should heal in about 14 days, it may take longer to be free of symptoms.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Exostosis , Leading Medicine Guide. Retrieved June 10, 2019.