Experimental literature

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Experimental literature means, on the one hand, a break with conventional forms and, on the other hand, a higher weighting of the form, which is understood as a defining element. It is not the content that takes precedence over the form, but these two categories are seen as equal and necessarily interlinked.

As an early classic of experimental literature of the novel is The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne .

Other representatives of the experimental literature are James Joyce , Arno Schmidt , Gertrude Stein , Friederike Mayröcker . There are also numerous representatives of experimental literature among the younger contemporary authors, such as Brigitta Falkner , Hansjörg Zauner , Klaus Ferentschik , Ilse Kilic , Fritz Widhalm , Lisa Spalt , Margret Kreidl , Marietta Böning , Walter Moers , Hartmut Abendschein . Some of them are also close to the Oulipo group , which sees the construction of formal rules as an essential element of text work.

The Viennese group can also be found in this division. Exponents like Friedrich Achleitner and Gerhard Rühm are also still active in writing and performing.

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