Extra sheet (magazine)

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Extrablatt - Austria's illustrated magazine for politics and culture was a monthly magazine in Vienna from 1977 to 1982 .

The modern monthly magazine was close to the ideas of the left wing of the SPÖ. The reporting on Austrian issues was critical and investigative . A lot of space was given to foreign reports, especially from Latin America and North Africa. The Austrian historian Alfred Elste suspects that the magazine was secretly financed by the Yugoslav secret service .

Editor-in-chief and partner was Harald Irnberger , another editor was Hans Kronberger . In the special edition of some significant Austrian have writers , authors and photographers published early works, including Elfriede Jelinek , Christoph Ransmayr , Erich Hackl , Franz Schuh , Willy Puchner and Didi Sattmann and Marie-Luise Kaltenegger. The art director was the Carinthian graphic artist and typesetter Ewald Stolz .

The title pages of the first issues were pictures by cartoonist Manfred Deix , who published his first magazine covers here. The cartoonist and caricaturist Michael "Much" Unterleitner also drew for the paper .

For economic reasons, the magazine had to stop its publication in 1982. Harald Irnberger went to Nicaragua as a correspondent and later to southern Spain. He died in Andalusia in early August 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.profil.at/articles/1132/560/304098/geheimdienst-sprengstoffspuren