Five-centime piece

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Five-centime piece
Five-centime piece
Alloy: 92% copper
6% aluminum
2% nickel
Weight: 1.80 g
Diameter: 17.15 mm
Thickness: 1.25 mm
Edge embossing: smooth

The five-centime piece , also known as Fünfräppler (in the dialect Fü (n) fi , Föifi , Foifi , Fü (n) fer (li) , Föifer (li) , Foifer (li) ), belongs to the Swiss currency and has the value of 1 / 20 Swiss Francs = 5 cents . It has been the circulation coin with the lowest face value since 2007 .

old five-lap made of copper nickel, minted until 1980

The Fünfräppler was first minted in 1850, from billon with 5 percent silver. In 1879 the current motif was introduced and the alloy was changed to copper-nickel . In the meantime, coins made of brass (1918) and pure nickel (1932–39, 1941) were minted. The five-centime coin only got its characteristic yellow color from 1981 through a copper - aluminum - nickel alloy. The change took place on the basis of the ordinance on the exchange of the five-centime coins of the Federal Council of July 2, 1980. The new alloy was a little cheaper and the different color prevented the frequent confusion with the approximately equal-sized fifty-centime coin .

The motif on the front shows the coin value (without currency unit) framed by a wreath of vine leaves , which was designed by the royal Württemberg court medalist Karl Schwenzer . The back was designed by Carl Friedrich Voigt and shows a Libertas head (often misinterpreted as Helvetia ).

The Swiss Federal Council was of Swissmint recommended the abolition of Einräpplers and Fünfräpplers because the production of these coins is more expensive (six cents) as their face value. However, due to the cultural value of the five-centime piece, the Federal Council decided against its abolition; for example, there are the expressions S'Foifi and s' Weggli , which roughly mean that someone wants everything and cannot do without anything. The one-centime piece , which had not been used in business for years, was officially abolished on January 1, 2007.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ordinance on the replacement of the five-centimes coins . In: Collection of Federal Laws . AS 1980 895, July 22, 1980, p. 895-896 ( online [PDF]).
  2. Avoid confusion . In: Walliser Bote . July 3, 1980, p. 3 ( online at ).