Princely house of Heliopolis

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Hut-ser in hieroglyphics
O6 X1

Princely House, Courtroom

The Princely House of Heliopolis ( Hut-ser in ancient Egypt ) was part of the Re temple in Heliopolis . The sun god Re is not archaeologically attested in Heliopolis before the 6th dynasty in the Old Kingdom . The fragments of the " Djoser Chapel" occupy an older temple, but they are the remains of a small shrine or box for the worship of a cult statuette of Djoser.

From the pyramid  text 477 it emerges that in Hut-ser, according to the Osiris myth, that mythological trial took place in which Seth was charged with the murder of Osiris and found guilty by the divine judges. The judgment was symbolic of the "victory of good over evil" and represented the central motif for the judges of the dead in the death texts, books of the underworld and the book of the dead .


Individual evidence

  1. Horst Beinlich: 5th Egyptological Temple Conference: Würzburg, September 23-26, 1999 . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2002, ISBN 3-447-04544-2 , p. 152.