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The FECOF ( F édération E uropéenne des Co mmunes F orestières) is the European communal forest association and represents the interests of communal forest owners in Europe.


Since its creation in 1990 and the adoption of the European Charter for Municipal Forests in 1992, FECOF has accepted as members national and regional organizations that share the common values ​​of the Charter .

The FECOF is supported by the national sections of the communal forest-dominated countries France , Germany , Italy , the Czech Republic , Bulgaria and Spain with Catalonia .

Structures of the communal forest in Europe

With an area of ​​more than 20 million hectares, the communal forest is the third major forest ownership type in the European Union after the private and state forests. In some EU member states, the communal forest accounts for more than 15% of the total forest area.


The FECOF seeks contact with the European institutions, is represented at the working level in the bodies relevant to forestry and works closely with other forestry associations.

The objectives of the FECOF are in detail:


The FECOF is led by a Presidium , which is elected for five years by the General Assembly. In addition to the President, the Presidium consists of the Vice Presidents and the Treasurer. The day-to-day business is carried out by the technical consultants with a managerial function from France (Forêts Nationales-Communes Forestières de la France) and Germany (Association of Municipalities and Cities in Rhineland-Palatinate ).

European forest policy

According to the EU treaties of Lisbon , forest policy is one of the few policy areas left to the member states within the framework of subsidiarity . In contrast to agriculture , the EU has no formal responsibility for a common forest policy. However, numerous policy areas inevitably deal with forest and forest management issues and indirectly lead to European influence.

The European Parliament deals with forest policy issues in particular in the Environment and Agriculture Committee . Due to the increasing importance of the energetic function of forests, the Committee on Industry, Transport and Energy is often involved in forest policy decisions.

In the European Council , the Council Working Group on Forestry is the responsible advisory body for forest policy issues.

The General Directorates for Agriculture and Environment are primarily responsible for the EU Commission . The Standing Forestry Committee at the EU Commission consists of national experts who advise the Commission. There is also the Civil Dialogue Group on Forestry and Cork and the Advisory Committee on Timber Industry Policy , to which representatives from various associations belong. These last-mentioned bodies are consulted by the EU Commission on current topics and projects. The FECOF represents the interests of the communal forest here.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b About us | FECOF. Retrieved July 25, 2018 .
  2. European Charter of Municipal Forests (PDF) FECOF. October 23, 1992. Retrieved April 4, 2019.
  3. About us | FECOF. Retrieved July 26, 2018 .
  4. Organization | FECOF. Retrieved July 25, 2018 .
  5. European Forest Policy | FECOF. Retrieved July 25, 2018 .