Fabien Engelmann

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Fabien Engelmann (born May 7, 1979 in Algrange , Moselle department ) is a French politician of the Rassemblement National (RN), member of the regional council of Grand Est and mayor of the Lorraine town of Hayange in the Val de Fensch .

Engelmann worked in a car factory after graduating from school, later as a salesman in a clothing store, then as a landscape gardener. He was a trade unionist for the communist CGT and a member of the radical left parties Lutte Ouvrière and Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA). In 2010 he moved to the right-wing extremist Front National (FN), the CGT then excluded him.

He was elected Mayor of Hayange on March 30, 2014. In the second ballot he received 34.7% of the vote, due to the low turnout, this only corresponded to around a fifth of those eligible to vote. He caused a sensation with controversial actions, for example by organizing a fête du cochon that focused on the “French tradition” of eating pork and was interpreted as a deliberate provocation of the Muslim community. Politically unpopular organizations like the Secours populaire make work in the community more difficult. However, its policy of taking care of safety, cleanliness and the elderly is popular with citizens.

He has been a Member of the Grand Est Regional Council since 2015 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Fabian Federl: Front National - Ridiculous, but still dangerous. In: Die Zeit , April 23, 2017.
  2. Johanne Burgell: Le maire FN d'Hayange, Fabien Engelmann, chahuté au premier conseil municipal. France Bleu, April 7, 2014.
  3. http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/politique/fn/hayange-la-mairie-fn-qui-fait-scandale_1632920.html
  4. Michael Stührenberg: Adieu, les bleus. Until three years ago, the small town of Hayange was firmly in socialist hands. Since then, the place has been a stronghold of the right-wing extremist Front National. What happened? Das Magazin, Tamedia, Zurich March 4, 2017, pages 10–18
  5. ^ Members of the Grand Est Regional Parliament