Faces of Gore

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German title Faces of Gore
Original title Faces of Gore
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1999-2000
length 269 ​​minutes
Age rating FSK unchecked
Director Todd Tjersland
script Todd Tjersland
production Todd Tjersland
cut Ron Eggleton

Faces of Gore is a three-part pseudo- documentary that shows death in three categories: car accidents , suicides and murders .

According to director and producer Todd Tjersland, the film only shows real footage that was filmed by the police , ambulance doctors and television crews. These are followed by a cynical comment by the fictional American pathologist Dr. Vincent van Gore accompanies and occasionally accompanies with specially composed pieces of music of various styles. Finally, the viewer is offered a seemingly out of place preview of the splatter film The Necro Files .

Legal conflicts

The background to this series is to surpass well-known representatives of the moon film , such as Faces of Death , in severity, cruelty and brutality and to offer the viewer " the ultimate real-gore experience " (quote from Tjersland).

The degree of hardness has been increased from part to part, as the creators keep presenting new and as shocking and irreverent recordings as possible, such as a "Dead Baby Section" in Part 3.

After films of the Mondo genre have never had an easy time of it and repeatedly came into conflict with the institutions of the FSK and the BPjM in Germany, some of them were even confiscated nationwide according to § 131 StGB (for glorifying violence ), the German-speaking ones stood and still stand Releases of the Faces of Gore series in this regard under a bad star.

In Germany, part 1 appeared unchecked in a slightly shortened version on VHS via the Bad Boy Movies company , whereby the changes here mostly relate to the softening of the irreverent tenor and digital retouching, which also contributes to this. The complete preview of The Necro Files is also missing .

This version was confiscated nationwide on May 29, 2000 by the Bochum District Court according to § 131 StGB .

A little later, an unchecked DVD appeared on the Terror Vision label , offering the film in full in German. According to the cover, this version is from Great Britain and has a BBFC18 approval. However, this approval was never given by the BBFC, especially since the film would have no chance of even passing the British approval authorities due to its basic attitude. In any case, this version comes from Germany and has not yet been indexed or confiscated. However, due to the confiscation of a version with the same content, the DVD is automatically considered to be indexed.

Part 2 was not released in Germany in full, but in a double feature with part 1, which first offers 30 minutes of selected scenes from the first part (mainly from the "Crash Section") and then 70 minutes of the second part, with all of them Recordings of murder victims have been erased and the whole thing is now reduced to accidents and suicides. This version was released in Germany via Bad Boy Movies on DVD and VHS (both unchecked), whereby the label had inquired in advance about the necessary modifications for a legal release after the confiscation of the first part. The result was the deletion of the "Murder Section" mentioned above. This version was indexed on VHS on October 31, 2002 by the BPjM, but not confiscated.

Part 3, like the Best Of, only appeared in the USA so far.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Todd Tjersland ao about Faces of Gore