Thread pipra

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Thread pipra
Pipra filicauda - Wire-tailed Manakin.jpg

Thread pipra ( Pipra filicauda )

Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Family : Purrbirds (Pipridae)
Subfamily : Piprinae
Tribe : Piprini
Genre : Pipra
Type : Thread pipra
Scientific name
Pipra filicauda
Spix , 1825

The thread pipra ( Pipra filicauda ) is a South American purr .


The male is black on the upper side, fiery red on the crown and neck and yellow on the face and underside. The outer pairs of feathers on the long black tail are drawn out into thread-like tips. The plumage of the female is greenish with dark wings and tail tip and a yellow belly. The black eye is surrounded by a wax skin.


The bird lives in tropical rainforests and tropical secondary forests in Peru , Ecuador , Venezuela, and Brazil .


The Fadenpipra stays mainly in the dense scrub on the forest floor and also looks for the crown area of ​​trees when they bear fruit. It also eats insects .


During the mating season, the males gather on dance floors to attract females. The courtship ritual includes jumps, short flights, raising the feathers and setting up the tail feathers. It is said that the males tickle the females' throats and face with their tail feathers during courtship. The nest is a messy shell nest made of plant fibers in small trees.


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