Fatih Birol

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Fatih Birol (born March 22, 1958 in Ankara , Turkey ) is a Turkish economist and since September 2015 Executive Director of the International Energy Agency of the OECD in Paris (IEA). He was previously the IEA chief economist.

Fatih Birol in November 2008 in Berlin

Fatih Birol is responsible for the compilation and publication of the world energy report World Energy Outlook , the central flagship publication of the IEA, which is published annually in November. He is also responsible for regularly informing the IEA management level about the economic effects of developments on the international energy and other industrial markets.

Birol obtained his Bachelor of Science in power plant engineering from the Technical University of Istanbul , his Master of Science and finally his doctorate in energy management from the Technical University of Vienna . He worked for six years in the Secretariat of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Vienna before moving to the IEA in Paris in 1995. Birol regularly publishes articles and essays on questions of the international energy situation and international politics and is a speaker on these questions worldwide.

In March 2010 he was seen in the documentary The 4th Revolution - EnergyAutonomy .

Prizes and awards

Fatih Birol (center) with US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu (right) and Oliver Inderwildi at Oxford University

In June 2005 Birol received the International Association of Energy Economics' Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement .

In October 2006 he was appointed "Chevalier dans l ' ordre des Palmes Académiques " by the French government . In March 2007 he was awarded the Golden Medal of Honor of the Austrian Republic in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the understanding of global energy problems.

On November 19, 2009, the German State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Jochen Homann, presented Birol with the 1st Class Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany awarded by the Federal President . This honors Birol's services to the Federal Republic of Germany in connection with his outstanding work as head of the IEA's “Economic Analysis” department. At the award ceremony, State Secretary Homann emphasized that the World Energy Outlook, which is compiled annually under the direction of Birol, has become an important benchmark for German energy and climate protection policy because of its comprehensive, up-to-date and impartial approach .

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