Fedor von Goldammer

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Fedor von Goldammer (born May 15, 1809 in Tzschernitz ; † January 3, 1862 in Odenkirchen ) was mayor in Grevenbroich and from 1858 in Odenkirchen in the administrative district of Düsseldorf.


Fedor was the son of Johann Christian Friedrich von Goldammer (born April 18, 1769 in Klosterbuch, † April 2, 1847 in Plauen) and the Clementine, born Freiin von Dyhrn from the Tschernitz family.

Fedor von Goldammer married Antoinette Scheermann (1818–1846) and after her death Amalie Quack (1808-1886). Friedrich Franz Benno Fedor comes from the first marriage and was born on February 6, 1841 in Grevenbroich. Goldammer had served as a second lieutenant and most recently as a company commander in the Prussian army when he was appointed mayor of Grevenbroich when he left the government. Between 1839 and 1850 Goldammer held the office of mayor in Grevenbroich and was thus head of administration.

Since the mayor's salary was not very high, he subsequently also took over the office of mayor in the neighboring communities of Elsen and Frimmersdorf. In order to improve his salary even further, Goldammer also worked as a mail carrier. In his house on Lindenstrasse, passengers waited for the horse mail that ran between Cologne and Fürth, where it was connected to the Düsseldorf-Aachen line.

After Goldammer resigned from the office of mayor in Grevenbroich, the local manufacturer Johann Theodor Wilbertz was appointed as his successor. Goldammer then took over the office of mayor in Odenkirchen, where he died on January 3, 1862.


  • Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Areligen Häuser — Alter Adel und Briefadel. Edited by Justus Perthes, Gotha, 19th year, 1927, pp. 293–295.