Félix-Joseph Barrias

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Portrait de Félix-Joseph Barrias , Smithsonian Institution , Washington

Felix Joseph Barrias (born September 13, 1822 in Paris ; † January 24, 1907 there ) was a French history painter .


Felix-Joseph Barrias - A Gaul and His Daughter Imprisoned in Rome

He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts with Léon Cogniet . This was followed by a stay in Rome.

He achieved his first success in 1844 with the picture of Cincinnatus receiving the Roman embassy . Of his later paintings in an antique style, the most outstanding are: Sappho (1847), the Exiles of Tiberius (1851, Musée du Luxembourg ), Dante (1853, Museum in Tarbes ), Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel , the landing of the French Army in the Crimea (Museum in Versailles ), the death of Chopin, the triumph of Venus and Camille Desmoulins in the Palais Royal . Monumental representations of him are in the Church of St. Eustache and in the New Opera (the harmony and the dramatic, erotic and rural music) in Paris.

Web links

Commons : Félix-Joseph Barrias  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Volume 2. Leipzig 1905, p. 396