Felix Krivin

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Felix Davidovich Krivin ( Russian Феликс Давидович Кривин , Felix Davidovich Kriwin , Ukrainian Фелікс Давидович Кривін , Feliks Dawydowytsch Krywin * 11. June 1928 in Mariupol , Ukrainian SSR ; † 24. December 2016 in Be'er Sheva ( Israel )) was a Russian , Ukrainian and Israeli writer , poet and children's book author .


Felix Krivin was born as the son of a professional soldier from a Jewish family. He spent his childhood in different cities in Ukraine . After the death of his father, he moved with his mother and sister to Odessa , where he lived until the beginning of the German-Soviet war and the subsequent evacuation to Tashkent ( Uzbekistan ). After the end of the war, he worked in Ismajil (Ukraine), first as a boat boy, and later as an engine technician on a Danube shipping barge.

In 1946 he worked for the regional newspaper "Pridunaiskaja pravda", first as a night corrector - during this time his first poems were published - then as an employee of the literary editorial team and later as a journalist on the regional radio. After finishing evening school, he completed a teaching degree in Russian language and literature as well as logic and psychology in Kiev . From 1951 to 1954 he worked as a teacher in Mariupol and married his former fellow student there.

After an eight-month stay in Kiev, he began to work as an editor in the "Zakarpatskoe oblastnoe izdatel'stvo" in Uzhhorod (Uzhgorod) in 1955 , where he lived until he moved to Israel in 1998. He spent more than thirty years in this western Ukrainian city. In 1962 he became a member of the Ukrainian Writers' Union. During this time his book "V strane veschtschej" ("In the Land of Things") was published in Moscow and "Karmannaya schkola" ("The Pocket School") in Uzhgorod. Gradually, Krivin's short stories and humorous poems gained popularity and popularity throughout the Soviet space.

In the 1970s he came under pressure from Soviet censorship. In 1971 part of the edition of his book "Imitated Theater" was crushed for ideological reasons. It was not until 1978 that his book “Giazintovye ostrova” (“Hyacinth Island”) was published in Moscow . Since the perestroika era he has published more than ten books, including “Distrofiki” (“Achtzeiler”, 1996) and “Bryzgi dejstvitel'nosti” (“Splashes of Reality”, 1996).

In 1998 he and his family moved to Israel . Most recently, Felix Krivin lived in Beersheba .

Felix Krivin was a member of the Association of Russian-Speaking Writers of Israel. For his literary work he received prizes from the magazines "Ogonjok" ("Flammchen"; 1963), "Perez" ("Pfeffer"; 1988) and "Literaturnaja Gazeta" ("Literaturzeitung"; 1988), the Ukrainian Vladimir Korolenko Prize (1990) and the “Independent Russian Literature Prize” of Carpathian Ukraine (2006).

Krivin worked with the well-known actor and emcee Arkadij Rajkin , for whom he wrote intermedia. His poems were set to music by Marina Melamed, Leonid Budko, Igor Sucharewskij, Michail Milmeyster and Olga Melamud.


Felix Krivin has been writing for more than 50 years and has authored 40 books. They mainly contain short stories and poems, children's literature, fantastic stories, fables, fairy tales and allegories. Felix Krivin's literary work is characterized by ironic-humorous poetics, laconic expressions and the aphoristic character of poetry. The humor is in his work become part of the artistic process. The result is a philosophical, moral or lyrical statement in which humor plays an essential role - it gives the thought a certain lightness and at the same time intensifies the message of the statement. “Depth is a very important quality of humor. But it should not be pitch black "(" Глубина - очень важное свойство юмора. Но она не должна быть беспросветной ",. 96". In the essay "Zvetotsch". The word play is also used frequently and in all its facets by Krivin - sometimes the whole text is built on it. Another peculiarity of his poetics is the lyrical mood which, in the interplay with the humorous connotations and the philosophical thoughts, forms the artistic style of Krivin. Felix Krivin continues the humorous-satirical tradition of Russian literature. He can be described as a successor to Ivan Krylow , Koz'ma Prutkov and Sascha Tschernyj.

Bibliography (German)

  • Felix Krivin: "Размышление на ветру" / "Thoughts in the Wind". Poetry book with 99 poems. Bilingual Russian-German edition. Selected and retouched by Peter Dehmel. Verlag Regine Dehnel, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-9811352-4-4

Bibliography (Russian)

  • "Полусказки" ( Poluskaski , "Half Fairy Tales"), Ushgorod, 1964.
  • "Божественные истории" ( Boschestwennyje istorii , "Divine Stories"), Moscow, 1966.
  • "Учёные сказки" ( Utschonyje skaski , "learned fairy tales"), Uzhgorod, 1967.
  • "Несерьёзные Архимеды" ( Nesserjosnyje Archimedy , "Not Serious Archimedes"), Moscow, 1971.
  • "Подражание театру" ( Podrashaniye teatru , "Imitated theater"), Ushgorod, 1971.
  • "Гиацинтовые острова" ( Giazintowyje ostrowa , "Hyacinth Island "), Moscow, 1978.
  • "Слабые мира сего" ( Slabyje mira sewo , "The weak in this world"), Moscow, 1979.
  • "Принцесса грамматика или потомки древнего глагола" ( Prinzessa grammatika ili potomki drewnewo glagola , "The princess of grammar or descendants of an ancient verb"), Ushgorod, 1981.
  • "Круги на песке" ( Krugi na peske , "circles in the sand"), Uzhgorod, 1983.
  • "Миллион лет до любви" ( Million let do ljubwi , "a million years until love"), Uzhgorod, 1985.
  • "Изобретатель вечности" ( Isobretatel wetnosti , "The inventor of eternity"), Moscow, 1985.
  • "Хвост павлина" ( Chwost pawlina , " Peacock's Tail "), Ushgorod, 1988.
  • "Я угнал машину времени" ( Ja ugnal maschiny wremeni , "I stole time machine"), Uzhgorod, 1992.
  • "Завтрашние сказки" ( Savtraschnije skaski , "The fairy tales of tomorrow"), Uzhgorod, 1992.
  • "Всемирная история в анекдотах" ( Vsemirnaja istorija w anekdotach , "World History in Anecdotes"), Uzhgorod, 1993.
  • "Тюрьма имени свободы" ( Tjurma imeni swobody , "A prison called freedom"), Uzhgorod, 1995.
  • "Дистрофики" ( Distrofiki , "eight-line"), Ushgorod, 1996.
  • "Брызги действительности" ( Brysgi deistwitelnosti , "Water Dust of Reality"), Uzhgorod, 1996.
  • "Полусказки и другие истории" ( Poluskaski i drugije istorii , "Half fairy tales and the other stories"), Uzhgorod, 1997.
  • "Избранное" ( Isbrannoje , "Selected"), Tel Aviv-Jaffa , 1999.
  • “Феликс Кривин. Избранное. Антология сатиры и юмора России XX века ", ( Felix Krivin. Isbrannoje. Antologija satiry i jumora Rossii XX weka ," Selected. Anthology, Satire and Humor of Russia of the XX Century "), Volume 18, 2001.
  • "Полёт Жирафа" ( Poljot Shirafa , "The Flight of the Giraffe"), Uzhgorod, 2006.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Поэт и писатель Феликс Кривин скончался в Израиле в возрасте 88 лет." (Poet and writer Felix Krivin Israel died at the age of 88 years.) TASS , December 25, 2016 Retrieved on December 26, 2016 (Russian)
  2. Felix Krivin "Thoughts in the Wind". Verlag RD - Издательство РД, archived from the original on February 12, 2013 ; Retrieved December 25, 2016 .