Felix Mendel

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Felix Mendel (born March 2, 1862 in Essen ; died December 19, 1925 ) was a German medic .


Felix Mendel studied medicine in Bonn , Freiburg im Breisgau , Berlin and Marburg . In 1884 he received his doctorate in Leipzig . He then worked as a general practitioner and medical adviser in his hometown. In Essen he was on the board of the Jewish community and worked for them in the regional association. He died while traveling in 1925.


The name Mendels is primarily associated with the first description of a skin test for tuberculosis , the tuberculin test . After the French doctor Charles Mantoux demonstrated that this test is much more sensitive than the Pirquet test, which was more common at the time, it became common in most countries. It is still called the Mendel-Mantoux test today.


  • Mendel, Felix , in: Joseph Walk (ed.): Short biographies on the history of the Jews 1918–1945. Edited by the Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem. Saur, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-598-10477-4 , p. 262

Web links

Felix Mendel at whonamedit.com