Ferdinand Aurin

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Ferdinand Georg Herrmann Aurin (born July 23, 1863 in Frankfurt (Oder) , † 1942 ) was a German ministerial official.


After attending the Lyceum in Strasbourg , Alsace , Ferdinand Aurin went to the local university to study, which he continued in Freiburg im Breisgau and Berlin. He studied mathematics, physics, geography and political science. His state examination for the civil service put Aurin from in 1888 and the following year he received his doctorate in Strasbourg Dr. phil. After that he was initially active in teaching. In 1892 he moved to the Reich Insurance Office, where he worked until 1906. In 1906 Aurin received a position in the Reich Office of the Interior, where he continued his civil service career and rose to the position of the secret councilor. After serving as a lecturing councilor in the Reich Economics Office and in the Reich Labor Office, he worked in the Reich Labor Ministry until 1925, most recently as a ministerial advisor . At the age of 62 he retired as a pensioner.

His main field of activity was insurance, especially social security. Ferdinand Aurin also published some articles in contemporary journals or gave lectures, as in 1913 in his native Frankfurt.


Ferdinand Aurin was married to Elisabeth, born Haas. The three daughters Irmgard, Elisabeth and Hedwig emerged from the marriage.

Fonts (selection)

  • Investigations on the movement of three mass points when Newton's law of attractions [...] applies , Strasbourg, Strasbourg printing and publishing house, vorm. R. Schultz & Company, 1889.
  • Public health insurance. Lecture , Frankfurt a. O., Trowitzsch, 1913.
  • (with Karl Maria Heimann and Josef Eckert): Reichsknappschaftsgesetz in the new official version , 1926, with addendum 1 (1927) and addendum 2 (1928).


  • Herrmann AL Degener : Degeners Who is it? Berlin 1935, p. 43.
  • Florian Tennstedt: The Reich Insurance Office and its members - some biographical information . In: Development of social law, task of jurisprudence , Cologne a. a., Heymann, 1984, pp. 47-82.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. This lecture was published in print by Trowitzsch in Frankfurt an der Oder in 1913.