Ferdinand Ferber

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Captain Ferdinand Ferber

Ferdinand Ferber (born January 8, 1862 in Lyon , † September 22, 1909 in Beuvrequen ) was a French officer ( Capitaine , German captain ) and aviation pioneer. In flight competitions he used the pseudonym De Rue .


Ferber studied from 1882 in Lyon at the École polytechnique and then entered the officer career of the French army. He was fascinated by Otto Lilienthal's gliding flights , about which he was informed from the Illustrirten Zeitung , and from 1899 on he repeated his experiments with self-made gliders without achieving equally good results.

In 1901, Ferber contact took Octave Chanute on which with descriptions and illustrations about him beginning in 1902 gliders of the Wright brothers and the wing twist used by the Wright sat discretion. Ferber then built a double-decker glider, but had little success with this new aircraft due to the poor construction. The flight tests with the Wright glider were carried out in April 1904 in the dunes of Merlimont near Berck-sur-Mer together with Ernest Archdeacon and Gabriel Voisin . Despite his failures, he steadily continued with his practical experiments and his aviation commitment. Among other things, he introduced Chanute to the French aviation community, wrote publications on the subject of aviation, advised the aircraft designer Gabriel Voisin and supported the development of the Antoinette .

As a pilot he won several smaller flying competitions under the pseudonym De Rue .

Ferber died on September 22, 1909 in an aircraft accident on the occasion of an airmen's meeting in Beuvrequen near Boulogne-sur-Mer . When turning close to the ground, a wing of his Voisin biplane touched the ground.


  • Ferdinand Ferber : Les Progrès de l'aviation depuis 1891 par le vol plané . Berger-Levrault & Cie, Paris Nancy 1905.


Web links

Commons : Ferdinand Ferber  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Officer rank according to the caption
  2. ^ The Use Of Accidents