Fernando Errázuriz

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Fernando Errázuriz Aldunate

Fernando Errázuriz Aldunate or Fernando de Errázuriz y Martínez de Aldunate (born June 1, 1777 in Santiago de Chile , † August 16, 1841 ibid) was a Chilean politician . In 1831 he served temporarily as president of his country.


Fernando Errázuriz was born into one of the most influential families in Chile. He studied theology and law at the Real Universidad de San Felipe . In 1809 he was elected mayor by the Cabildo of his hometown.

Errázuriz took part in the legendary Independence Council of 1810 . In 1811 he was elected to the first Chilean national congress for the province of Rancagua . In the Chilean War of Independence , Errázuriz was captured by the Spaniards when they advanced on Santiago de Chile after the Battle of Rancagua . Only after the victory of the Chilean independence fighters in the Battle of Chacabuco in 1817 did he regain freedom. From 1822 to 1823 he represented his home constituency in the House of Representatives.

In the turmoil of 1823 after the overthrow of Bernardo O'Higgins , Errázuriz was elected a member of the ruling junta in January and, under the government of Director Supremo Ramón Freire y Serrano , was appointed President of the Congress in December. He then served as Senator for Santiago and from 1824 as President of the Senate. He was ex officio representative of the head of state Freire. In the meantime he was also President of the Parliament of the Province of Santiago.

During the civil war between the liberal-federal forces and their conservative-centralist opponents, he was appointed provisional president of the Congreso de Plenipotenciarios in March 1830 after the end of the reign of Francisco Antonio Pinto Díaz .

On March 23, 1830 he took over the office of Vice-President under the interim president José Tomás Ovalle . When he died on March 21, 1831, he officiated as its representative. Ten days later, on March 31, 1831, José Joaquín Prieto Vial was elected constitutional president. Errázuriz took care of government business for another six months, until Prieto took office on Chile's Independence Day, September 18. Fernando Errázuriz continued to work as a senator. In 1833 he was elected President of Congress.

Fernando de Errázuriz died in Santiago in 1841.

See also

History of Chile


  1. José Toribio Medina: Los errázuriz. Notas biográficas and documentos para la historia de esta familia en Chile. edited and continued by Carlos J. Larraín. Taller de Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile 1964.
  2. ^ Carlos Molina Johnson: Chile: Los militares y la politica . Editorial Andrés Bello, Santiago de Chile 1989, ISBN 956-13-0820-6 , p. 225.
  3. Diego Barros Arana (ed.): Historia general de Chile , vol. 16: Organización de la República 1820 a 1833 (continuacíon) , 2nd edition, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile 2001, ISBN 956-11-1586-7 , P. 29.

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