Branch church Oberloibach

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Branch church Oberloibach

The Oberloibach branch church in the Bleiburg community is dedicated to the Apostle Bartholomew and belongs to the Roman Catholic parish Bleiburg .

Building description

The core of the church comes from the Romanesque and was changed in the Baroque . The mighty sacristy tower crowned with a pointed helmet on the south side of the nave was probably built in the 13th century. The nave was extended and raised to the west at the beginning of the 18th century. Remains of a Gothic St. Christopher fresco and a Bartholomew fresco as well as a wreath ornament running under the roof were discovered on the north facade .

A flat ceiling stretches over the nave. The two-bay choir with a three-eighth end has a baroque groin vault and a pilaster structure .


The high altar from 1730 carries a statue of St. Bartholomew from the second quarter of the 17th century. Both side altars are marked 1655. The left altar consists of an aedicula on a small base and simple cartilage as an attachment. The figures of the apostles Judas Thaddäus and Simon Zelotes are placed in the altar niche . The top picture shows John the Baptist and the disciple John . The right side altar is similar in structure and decoration to the left. In the niche he carries a group of figures with the Visitation of Mary and shows the Annunciation in the top picture . On the pulpit are the painted representations of the four evangelists .


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 475.
  • Breda Vilhar and Milan Piko: "The sacred monuments of the Bleiburg deanery / Cerkvena likovna dediščina v dekaniji Pliberk". Slovenski narodopisni inštitut, Klagenfurt 2006 ISBN 3-7086-0206-4 , p. 46f.
  • Wilhelm Deuer: Jauntaler Kulturwanderungen - An art-historical companion through the Völkermarkt district. Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt 2001,  ISBN 3-85366-977-8 , p. 78.

Web links

Commons : Filialkirche St. Bartholomäus, Oberloibach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 33 '14.3 "  N , 14 ° 48' 22.6"  E