Film office Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

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The Filmbüro Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Wismar is the office of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Film eV , which organizes and manages the cultural film funding for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the State Film Archive Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on behalf of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . The tasks of the film office also include the organization and operation of the regional media workshop in Wismar .


The task of cultural film funding is to support and strengthen independent, creative filmmakers and young talents in the state from the first draft of the script to production, distribution and sales. It provides expert advice to filmmakers and supports the establishment of networks in the country. The Wismar Film Festival , which was organized by Filmbüro MV for the fifth time in 2011, also gives filmmakers in the state the opportunity to present their films to the public.

The Landesfilmarchiv indexes, collects and archives films, media products, and accompanying material such as programs, photographs and posters from and about Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It guarantees the preservation and use of the films handed down for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Events with partners inside and outside the state make the archives accessible to a broad public. At the same time, the State Film Archive is the point of contact and starting point for research by scientists, production companies and broadcasters who use the available film material.

The media workshop offers children and young people the chance to develop their media skills and to experiment with the medium of film. This includes working groups , courses and workshops, learning by doing and learning from and in your own audiovisual productions. Schools and other educational institutions have the opportunity to organize project days and project lessons together with the media workshop. This results in constant and active participation in the media workshop for the young people, which consequently promotes the promotion of young talent in the field of communication and media design as a responsible, future-oriented institution.

Various film events are also an integral part of the work of the film office: in addition to open-air cinema events in summer, children's film days are also held, the holiday cinema and film screenings in the film office's cinema make some film productions accessible to the local people and stimulate discussion. The Filmbüro is regularly represented with its offers in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Representation in Berlin , where in addition to cultural film funding, in particular offers of the media workshop are carried out.

In lean structures and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Media Authority , the Northwest Mecklenburg District , the Hanseatic City of Wismar, the Wismar University , the other film and media associations in the state and important ones For film-cultural and media-educational institutions, the film office is working on a further profiling of cultural film funding internally and externally in order to achieve sustainable effects for the film-cultural and film-economic landscape in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The employees of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Film eV work on a voluntary basis.

Cultural film funding

The association has been responsible for promoting cultural films in the state since 1991. In July 1991, primarily filmmakers and directors came together in Schwerin to promote film and media as modern art genres and thus to contribute to the cultural landscape of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in addition to traditional arts such as theater, music, painting and literature. In 2001 the headquarters of the film club was relocated to the Hanseatic city of Wismar. Another state task in addition to cultural film funding also includes the organization and administration of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Film Archive.

The funding comes from funds from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

On February 20, 2009, the new agreement on the granting of grants for cultural film funding Mecklenburg-Vorpommern between the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Film eV was concluded. This agreement is the basis for the implementation of cultural film funding for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Funding applications can be submitted for material and project development, production, sales, distribution and playback.

An independent selection committee made up of five film experts will decide on the funding of the submitted projects. The committee meets twice a year. Funding applications must be submitted to the Filmbüro by February 5th or September 5th of each year. The award meeting usually takes place six to eight weeks after the submission deadline.

State Film Archive

The Landesfilmarchiv, founded in 1996, has set itself the primary goal of recording and registering audiovisual archive material as an often neglected part of the cultural heritage with reference to the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, regardless of its location. It does not matter whether it is documentary films, feature films, popular science films, educational films or films with personal memories. In this work, the remnants of the film inventory of the Schwerin district film directorate formed the basis, which was initially enriched with a few surviving films from film clubs in the district capital Schwerin.

As a first major systematic work, the archive contacted all district archives and most city archives in the country and compiled a summary listing of the audiovisual documents available in these institutions.

In a second step - which is now almost complete - the content and technical parameters of these films were indexed and recorded in a database, for which the films were temporarily transferred to the archive and, if requested by the owners, returned after being listed.

The archive can take over film stocks as deposits. In doing so, the archive undertakes to keep the deposited films completely and securely and to process them in accordance with archival science principles. In these cases, contractual provisions regulate the manner in which the films may be exploited by filmmakers.

In the course of time, the archive was able to take over hundreds of teaching and career advice films produced since the mid-thirties of the last century in the course of the orientation of earlier circle picture locations on more modern data carriers and insert them into its inventory. Work that is still being carried out to close the remaining gaps.

In the meantime, private historical films in a wide variety of formats have also been added to the archive, including numerous holiday films. Examples include a. a ferry crossing captured in the film from Stralsund to Altefähr on Rügen or a parade of Red Army troops recorded from the balcony of a house in Schwerin city center.

The archive is also responsible for receiving, recording and managing the scripts and films that have been submitted to the archive as specimen copies of the state's cultural film funding since 1991, mostly on more modern data carriers.


The archive currently has evidence of more than 7,000 titles in a wide variety of formats and is able to provide information on the audiovisual sources and their location itself in the event of inquiries about historical recordings relating to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and is available for evaluation itself to provide or to convey and organize possibilities of re-use.

This database cannot be viewed online at the moment. However, the archivist is ready to compile thematic source compilations at short notice. The archive is constantly interested in expanding its database of films related to the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and is grateful for any information. Of course, it is also happy to include such films in its inventory - also as a deposit.

In addition, the State Film Archive has extensive collections of film posters and other film advertising media.


The two largest archives in the state - the State Main Archives Schwerin and the State Archives Greifswald - also include the audiovisual archives in their district. Since the extensive and expensive technology that is available in the film office and can be used for archiving purposes for the viewing and technical processing of films of various formats is necessary, cooperation agreements were concluded with both archives and some of their audiovisual archive material was taken over as deposits.

This means that the state film archive performs state tasks and thus relieves the state budget. In return, the State Film Archive receives support with its material equipment and with the restoration of particularly valuable film posters.

Other cooperation partners are above all the University of Wismar , the Technical State Museum and the Schwerin and Wismar city archives. In addition to the supervision of the films from these institutions, numerous successful and well-attended events show the good cooperation between these partners and the growing public interest in our country's filmic memory.


The existing technology in the film office allows historical, including private film material, to be copied onto modern data carriers for a fee. If it is found during the copying process that the recordings are of social interest and the client is prepared to hand over a copy of the filming or perhaps the original of the film to the archive for permanent storage, this will affect the price of the copying work.

Media workshop in Wismar

The Wismar media workshop for Wismar and Northwest Mecklenburg is a project of the film office. It is funded by the Hanseatic City of Wismar, the district of Northwest Mecklenburg, the MV Medienanstalt and the Ministry for Science, Education and Culture.

The workshop is aimed on the one hand with its range of courses at young people between 14 and 26 years of age who put their cinematic and photographic talents to the test in the courses "Planke Youth and Student Television", "Feature Film", "Animation" and "Digital Photography" or want to receive further training. The "Filmspatzen" course is also suitable for the "little ones", where young, interested adolescents can try out their skills.

On the other hand, the media workshop in the all-day school sector offers schools or sponsors in the children and youth sector the benefit of media education and pedagogy with project weeks, internships, action and project days.

In addition, the media workshop offers further offers in the field of media education. For schools, daycare centers and associations, there is the possibility of holding joint action days or project weeks with the media workshop in which children and young people are involved in media education.

Support for work on independent projects, implementation of project ideas for children and young people outside of school is also possible. Children and young people with their own project ideas find all kinds of support in the implementation of independent extracurricular projects.

Furthermore, special workshops are offered in the media workshop, which are open to all interested parties.

There are regular training courses for educators in the field of media education.

Young people have the opportunity to do an internship.

Every year the Filmbüro organizes the Children's Film Festival and the Children's Film Night, at which selected children's films are shown and numerous activities for children are offered. The traditional School Cinema Week takes place in autumn - for one week there are several cinema screenings for school classes every day.

Wismar Film Festival

The Wismar Film Festival makes the promotion of productions and material visible annually and in bulk; for the seventh year already, it takes a look at the film scene in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It presents the makers to the public and brings films from, about and for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to the big screen.

Nautilus - Children's Film Festival Wismar

For five years now, the Filmbüro has been presenting the Nautilus children's film festival, at which films by children up to 12 years of age from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are shown on a big screen, aimed at all age groups. The young filmmakers are present.

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